Sunday, November 20, 2005

Do you always do what everyone else does?

Ok, I admit it. I got a myspace. The only reason was actually pretty random. I wanted to have a pretty star background but has a limited amount of templates, so I thought, "Hey, why not get a myspace?" It seems like it will help me keep in touch with old friends too, so I'll give it a try! I'll definetely have to delete it, though, if I keep getting questionable comments or whatever. Let me know if you see anything that concerns you on it! :) Thanks!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Who knew the Colonists and the British looked so stylish? Esther and I pose during the making of a history video about the War for Independence. It's the debut of Cowco, the colonists' cow insurance of yester-year! Posted by Picasa

Now... I Need You Now... More Than the Air I'm Breathin'

Ok, so admittedly, it's been a pretty long time! But I have a ton of things on my plate and not that many people read this anyway... :) I've always thought of my blog as a fun way to record memories and have a reminder of some of the things God has done in my life.

Well, basketball started this past Monday. That is very exciting! I always seem to forget how much I enjoy basketball. It just feels good to be able to run and score points (which doesn't happen THAT often, but I'm gonna work on it!). So far, we've come up with a play I fondly call "I don't know". So, if you ever hear me shouting that out on the court... it's not a mistake! :) I'm so grateful to the Lord for preserving me so far (after my bad ankle ligament tear last season) and allowing me to really enjoy this sport. It always cheers me up! I've played basketball the longest, so I have more experience and a more important role on the team. I'm not saying that I don't like soccer, in fact, I think I have more respect for talented soccer players than basketball, but I'm just better at basketball. That's kind of a "duh" reason why I would like it better. Plus, there's always a bunch of people hanging out at the home games and it's fun to see old, new, and current friends to chat with. I'm also a huge fan of the concession "stand"! I LOVE helping out with it... so much fun! Well, my biggest concern this year is being a Godly example to the other girls and working hard. I'm praying that we'll pull together and truly feel like a team... not JV vs V or younger girls and older girls... but together! I think it will be a good, but hard season.
Maybe we'll be blessed with a lot of wins... maybe not... only God knows! :)

My main struggle these past few weeks has been being faithful in reading the Word and battling lack of sleep, homework, and sore muscles. I had kind of a break down today because I was so disappointed with my lack of spiritual growth. I guess that's a good sign, but I'd better do something to change it, or it's worthless. I ended up reading my Bible during school for a long time to get refocused, but my mind kept going away from the page and into prayer and thought. I was, of course, directed to the perfect passages for me to hear. The infamous section about being tested but never too far. I found such comfort in hearing that even in my dispair, God was still there protecting me from destruction. I absolutely must focus more on heavenly things, though! I find myself disgusted with an attitude I had during the day or the way I said something... an opportunity to talk about Christ that I wasted... He was not my main focus, and that caused me to have so much grief! Thankfully, although the No Tresspassing talk is preventative medicine in my life, I was really deep in thought over one of SKH's comments. In essence: people are pursuing these silly relationships because they're not satisfied with God. WOW! What a revelation that was. Even though you'd think it would be obvious, I never directly thought about that. It made me realize, not with relationships necessarily, but just in all areas of my life, seeking other things means I'm not satisfied with God. How utterly pitiful! I don't think Solomon could've been any more clear about this, but many people, including myself, just aren't getting it! I imagine we must look completely lost and pathetic to God. Amazing that He would love and save us! I'm so thankful for that hope. I want to break free from the ridiculousness of searching after life under the sun... definetely something to pray about!

By the way, my title consists of lines from a song I love that has been encouraging me for the past few weeks. It's so true... we need Him more than the air we breathe... more than every second... He gives us each breath anyway!

More thoughts to come... (hopefully within a reasonable time period unlike my last blog gap!)
Your Sister in Christ, *Nat*