Wednesday, June 01, 2005

The End is Near...

Despite all appearances of an apocalyptic shout-out, I am referring to the end of the school year. (However, it is true that Christ is coming soon!) I simply cannot believe that next Friday will mark the beginning of another summer! The Grace awards chapel helped me reflect on the past year, as did our new yearbook. (I love the green cover and the creative "architectural/tool" theme!) Many of the things I did as a sophomore seem to have happened an extremely long time ago, while others feel like yesterday! What exactly DID I do? The most important thing to do, then, is not to gush over the "good times" like parties and Eagle Week, but to thank God for what He has done! Here are some special blessings dear to my heart:

He faithfully led me down the path of doing my best in school work
He gave me the voice and courage to try out for worship team (and allowed me to be chosen)
He challenged me to act on my beliefs instead of just spouting them to others
He helped me to do things I hate most and sacrifice comfort for boldly proclaiming truth
He showed me the reality that I am not above sinning- I have to put on the armor of God
He caused me pain for a short while to give me a thankful passion for what I have
He taught me the importance of loving others and putting them first
He allowed me to see He's all I need and all I live for
He opened my eyes to see the need for truly making a difference and making the most of my life

All I can really say... PRAISE GOD! Use the end of the school year to reflect on all He has done for you! It's the least He deserves for sustaining us and bringing us triumphantly through another year! Look out, Grace Academy, you'll have at least one junior ready to start over and (God-willing) be on fire for the Lord!

*Bye, our five one28 senior guys! Thank you for being so faithful to teach and grow in the Lord! We'll never have another group like you!*

1 comment:

Kate Alesso said...

Very cool, Natalie! It is indeed good to look back and praise Him for all He's done, in us and in others. Pretty cool.