Sunday, December 25, 2005

My Thoughts WAAAAY Past the Expiration Date

Oh my goodness! I cannot believe I have not written in so long. Well, I guess I can believe it because... well, it happened... But enough of that! I have wanted to post a blog about the awesome purity/lust/relationship messages we've had "surround-sound" style (i.e. for a while there Sunday mornings from Pastor Z and SKH and Wednesdays with SKH). So many deep and challenging things were convicting me and encouraging me to listen to the warnings before I put myself in stupid situations. I might not be able to elaborate as fully as I would like seeing as Christmas lunch with my family is about to begin, but I'll God-willing be able to write the basic gist:

I have discovered what kind of pleasure-seeker I am. Ironically enough, SKH mentioned it in a sermon indirectly after I had my little revelation, but I hadn't posted a blog about it. I am...
A "Happily Ever After Pleasure Seeker"!! As many of you know from my enthusastic glee while at Disneyland, I am a huge fan of many things Disney. I watched all the classics as a little girl and had the happily ever after mentality seared into my little blonde curly-headed mind (sorry for all the needless adjectives there). While having a depressing moment a few weeks back, instead of turning my thoughts to God, I said to myself, "Well, it'll all be better once I'm married." That one little thought made me first, laugh, then stop and search for the source. Why do I think that once you are happily married and find "the one", your life will be perfect?! By the horrific divorce rate present in America, that obviously is not true, so why would I even think that?! Hmm... (thinks deeply while "Once Upon a Dream" goes though her mind)... could it be the obvious message portrayed in so many Disney princess movies? Think about it... most of their lives are "oppressive" (The HORROR of having to do housecleaning, live under the sea, have a feast served by magical silverware, pick berries, or, GASP, live in a palace!) and what saves them? Finding prince charming, no less! They get to sing a romantic little song and ride off into the sunset. You ever notice they didn't show life after marriage until the ridiculous set of sequels popping up everywhere. Even then, the movies still have happy endings! I will admit the only kind of movies I truly enjoy have happy endings although for life on earth that's extremely unrealistic. For a Christian, of course, death is a happy ending leading to a glorious beginning of eternity praising God in His holiness. But, if I don't seek Him fully now or fail to control my attitude and act like a little brat, how can I expect one ceremony to bring out my best and completely sanctify me? How can I believe that once I have my own house, my own kids, things will be different? What in the world!?
Well, I just got the lunch call. Perhaps God will allow me to finish my thought later! Merry Christmas! Praise God for His wonderful, merciful, gift of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
After a delicious meal...
Interstingly enough, I have no desire to get married anytime soon, which is a very good thing, I'm sure. I am quite aware of the fact that I am still an immature adolescent and I need to be much closer and more in love with God before I can take any sort of "relationship" seriously. I know how important having the right spouse is and I take that very seriously. I also was reminded a few messages ago that if I'm focusing on finding a guy so much, that means I'm not satisfied with God and I have such a small heart to think it's all about pleasing myself and having some guy who'll tell me I'm pretty or something. Obviously, if the marriage relationship will not be present in heaven, we shouldn't be focusing on that and certainly not more than our love for our Eternal Father! It makes me so sad to see the pathetic boyfriend/girlfriend relationships of elementary students all the way to high school. Some, granted, are going about it the right way, but can you honestly say the majority are making the right choices? Obviously, God will use it as part of His plan for their lives, but still, we make mistakes! It seems like each year opens the door of "dating" to younger and younger people! I once heard a 2nd grader talking about the woes of his girlfriend who kept him on a tight leash. WHAT?! Aren't these kids supposed to be watching cartoons and playing with action figures or building forts or something!? What are the parents of America and the stupid media teaching these children? Sure, it's "cute", but don't you realize how much of a set-up it is? You are setting them up to have a ridiculous heart break and continue to have fruitless relationships that only end in emptiness!
The most infuriating thing to me is the people who can only be described as flirts. UGH! Disgusting! What do they really expect to get out of parading themselves as stupid little drooling giggling masses of hormones?! (And the adjectives come back again) (Wow. Killer quote right there!) Do you really want to be in a relationship with someone who falls for your foolery? What's stopping them from dumping you after a few weeks for the next hot person who makes them feel special to come along? How dare you dress in suggestive clothing and try to entrap guys into liking you! Do you really think that gives you any value whatsover?? Where's your sense of self or protection of the temple where God resides (or if you so boldly act like this maybe He isn't the one residing in your heart!)? You people make me sick! Although my first response is obviously one of disgust (slight understatement), I do have some pity hiding behind the fiery eyes of disbelief. I have had many friends who act like this and most often it's due in part to the lack of love in their life. They have not chosen to accept Christ or their Heavenly Father and they have families who are barely holding on. That does not excuse this ridiculous action, but I should definetly be praying that their heart will change. I want them to have a wonderful, Godly man who will protect them and their honor for the rest of his life. I want them to know the love of their Lord and Savior and treasure their unique personality and talents. Why they feel they have to act in such a flirtacious way when they are often the prettiest and most amazing people, I don't understand. Be who God has called you to be! Don't cheapen who you are or ask others to indulge in your lust for feeling better about yourself.
Wow! I haven't thought about that for a long time, but that's my two-sided thoughts on flirting. Anger and pity. Weird. Maybe the first reaction is that of selfishness and perhaps even jealousy of the attention they receive and then I realize how sad it truly is and my heart wants to help them to God. I'll have to think about that some more. I need to go get my notes from the past sermons so I can elaborate more for your reading pleasure. Actually, I think it's more a of a self-helping thing to have my thoughts be typed into something I can see more clearly. Well, whatever the case, I'll return later... By the way, why do they even have a wingdings option for a font?!

1 comment:

iron girl said...

its good to read somthin' new. its cool that pastors higgins sermons are applying to you. they hit me at home a lot of times, too.