Tuesday, August 23, 2005

"Some girls will do anything to get a tan!" Actually... I just posted this because I thought it was so hilarious! It'll make a great profile pic too! :) Posted by Picasa

Mind Game

Hmm... so I've made it through 2 soccer practices keeping a smile on my face, but I've noticed something I really want to fix! We each get to share what we're learning in devotions before practice, and I know what I'm gonna say! :) God has been showing me I'm not casting my cares on Him! I worry about getting to practice on time, I worry about getting work days off... it's just ridiculous! But, now I am slowly realizing that worrying will not at all add an hour to my life or make things fix themselves! For pete's sake, God is in control and when I freak out about things, it just makes my attitude worse and doesn't allow God to bless my trusting of Him. It's not always going to work out the way I want it, but why worry? Is missing a party or something because of work really going to matter in eternity?! NO! He is my peace! (Australian version: "No Worries, MATE!") I have to trust Him that He is who He says and through Him I can do all things! I should try to remember that next time I feel like fainting on the soccer field. My strength cannot help me finish, but His is utterly sufficient- I just have to ask!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Let the Sports Season Begin!

Hello there! Soccer and volleyball practice begin today! I decided in the end to play soccer although I had been considering volleyball for quite some time. I had to dig out my old cleats and shin guards and I just had to laugh when I saw how dusty they had become. It's a good thing I kept all my socks too! I would've had to rush out to Big 5 or something today because my decision to play was pretty recent! I am very excited for new memories and becoming a better player! I am sure it will take me a long time to feel remotely good, but then, I never have played it much, so I can't expect to be an awesome player or anything! I will certainly do my best! I'm also very enthusiastic to have a better attitude this season! When I played as a freshmen, I was so much more immature (Note that I still have a long way to go! :)) and I had a really hard time playing with so many older guys. I would take everything personally and cry about nothing. God has worked in me so much since then, and I can't promise I won't cry or have a bad attitude better, but I do know it should be a much more focused and fun season! I am a little nervous, but with so many of my friends playing, I know it will be just fine. And as Christ would remind me, I can't add an hour to my life (or a time warp to practice) by worrying! I'm ready to get out there and work hard to actually kick the little white thing with black spots! (Or is it black with white spots??)

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

THE END! May His Name have been lifted high through it all! After all, He's the one who gave music to us and allowed me to go enjoy the concerts praising His Name! Posted by Picasa

Looking a little sleepy, but still smilin'... :D Posted by Picasa

Just turn your head to the right and you'll see a picture of my daddy and me enjoying the shade of our umbrella on the amphitheater hill! Posted by Picasa

Ah.. the candlelight ceremony! Always reminds me that as Christians we really are like a light shining in the darkness. We have to make that effort to shine or the world will keep ignoring the truth! Posted by Picasa

AA had a little too much fun! At least the lead singer tried on a couple hats... Posted by Picasa

Cooling off at the state park is just what we needed! Not sure if we're tired or upset about losing card games... :) Posted by Picasa

Toby Mac... quite the rapper at heart... he had a cool testimony! Posted by Picasa

The guy ducktapes his headphones on... how cool is that?! Go Darren! Posted by Picasa

Paul with his key-tar! :) At one point he jumped into the crowd and he was leaning right above us! Posted by Picasa

Mute Math was awesome! The drummer is hilarious! We only had one person in front of us! Posted by Picasa

Bethany Dillon was great! We got right up front too! Posted by Picasa

On to Creation... why not start with yet another pic of Esther and I? We're such camera freaks! :) Posted by Picasa

And in closing for Icthus, my favorite buddy picture of the trip! Ta-Daaa! Posted by Picasa

An Australian store in Leavenworth?! Who'd've thought? We couldn't resist taking advantage of the hilarious hats! Posted by Picasa

The girls prefer a more "homey" area to eat! Posted by Picasa

Hmm... not exactly sure what Micah's trying to say here... you decide! :) Posted by Picasa

Ah yes, good 'ol sittin' round the campsite! Posted by Picasa

Let's not forget Kim... glamourous in pink! Posted by Picasa

Esther takes her turn, adding her own mysterious vogue to the pic! Posted by Picasa

It's pink... stylin'... what more can I say? Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 15, 2005

From "ICTHUS" to Creation and back!

I hate to sound like every other blog out there, but I do have to say it's been a long time since I last posted! "ICTHUS" was an awesome time, especially the bus overheating on the ride up, exploring Leavenworth (The Four Amigos: David, Esther, David, and I. You'd never believe the first store we went in to was a place with tribal art!) and spending an entire day swimming (Bowers joined us and we formed an inner tube circle. I'll never forget his song: "Fat guy in a little tube." We also explored an island before just floating around and afterwards threw rocks at each other. A conversation inspired my classic quote: "I really am getting dumber!"). Esther was my buddy the whole time and that was sweetness too! (You always had to go places with at least one person) We also went stargazing (Now I actually know for sure the foolproof way to find the Little Dipper! :)) and had some wonderful lesson times and "cabin" discussions! On the trip back, David, Esther, Garrett, Micah, and I went to Taco Bell and Starbucks. Of course, we were late back to the bus, so we had the distinct honor of being the clean-up crew! Anyway, certainly an unforgettable time! I learned so much more not only about Christ and my relationship with Him, but also some friends I've known for a long time!

Creation was very hot this year, but having my dad with Esther and I made it much more bearable- we could drive away on little adventures or spend the day playing cards at the state park! During one of the first night concerts, I sat in the top left corner (and I mean top!) of the amphitheater in memory of last year! I don't know why, but it always seems more peaceful and beautiful sitting there. You can see wonderful parts of God's creation and still enjoy concerts without being smothered by people! I'll never forget my first time moshing either! I have to say I think it's pretty ridiculous at least at the really crowded concerts like Audio Adrenaline! I was squished on every side, it was hot, people were stepping on my feet... you can barely breathe much less hear the concert well! Not exactly my idea of fun! Mute Math and Bethany Dillon were pretty sweet though! Esther and I were standing in the center second to the front for both of them. We got some great pictures and really enjoyed it! There were tons of freebee stuff and we even got a sweet Narnia t-shirt. The movie looks like it would be enjoyable. I guess it comes out on December 9th, the best month of the year!! When I was in an autograph line for Joy Williams, I saw the "Boston Crew" which was a large group of 8th graders from Grace! They were fun to chat with, I can't wait to have them at events when they become 9th graders after one more year! Esther and I also visited the college group so she could "hang" :) with her brother and other friends. We even went out to that diner in vantage one morning in memory of last year's Creation! It was delicious! Speaking of delicious, I forgot about the funnel cake I had... yum! All in all, Creation was a wonderful time of praising God through music and fellowship! My favorites this year were MercyMe, Bethany Dillon, Newsboys, Joy Williams, Mute Math, Casting Crowns, and Caedmon's Call. I also really enjoyed the Living Illusions thing and there was also a very powerful speaker one night who was a former member of an Italian Moffia in the US. I wish I could remember what my favorite speaker talked about, but it was so good! He was the last one on the last night... anyway, it totally matched up with the myth of adolescence and stopping the trend of "truth is relative" and "Why aren't you loving them?" Praise God for a wonderful Creation 05!

I'll have to get up some pictures from both events... I have so many!