Saturday, December 31, 2005

What's black and purple and red all over?

Well, new year, new experience for me. Within 6 hours or so it'll be the new year anyway... The new experience I alluded to is none other than getting a black eye for the first time. It's more like a purple with a red cut line black eye, but who's really paying attention? My face met two elbows on the basketball court. Two lovely ladies were going after a rebound flying over my head and their elbows came down on my cheekbone. Quite comical, actually. I kept getting the tease of being a boxer: "Hey, when's your next fight?" My response: "Eh, next Friday... but you should see the shiner I gave her!" Most of the girls just stared and smiled: "Wow! That's gonna leave a shiner!"A little blood won't stop me. ;) I had a better free-throw average with the injury though! :D (100% since I only shot 2 and made them both) Coach Holt was hilarious on the ride home! We were all cracking up at everything he said. DO YOU HAVE YOUR RECEIPT? (You had to be there to get that one!) And after each tournament day... Alfy's Pizza and Taco Bell two nights in a row! Sweetness!Well, I'm off to a New Year's party soon. I can't believe it's almost 2006 and halfway through my junior year! The good news is once finals are over... 06SR! Hallelujah! I'm excited to see what work the Holy Spirit will do in the hearts of those attending!
Happy 2006, everyone! One New Year's closer to the return of Christ! Yesssssss!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005


If some of you were wondering why people call me Chispeante sometimes (and it will be on the back of my b-ball sweatshirt when we get them), it is from Espan~ol 2! It means "sparkling" and it's great fun to say! Chees- pay- ontay (more or less :)) It kind of matches my thinking with Celestialshine- I love sparkly things in His creation like stars and I want to shine brightly to bring the Lord glory! The story of my aliases! Thanks for listenin'!
By the way, the sweet picture is representing one of my favorite birthday presents! It charges my little pink mini iPod, lets me play any songs I want, has a radio and alarm... it's great! Yes, it's all vanity, but it sure allows me to enjoy the iPod I purchased more. And it's awesome to listen to Chris Tomlin or something while reading the Word! Perfect combination! Sing praises to God and read His Holy Bible!
Speaking of, one of my favorite Christmas presents was a coupon of the MacArthur Study Bible NASB coming out in the spring! I can't wait! I think NASB is my favorite version, especially because it allows me to joke: like the true SKHV, this one is the Natalie Ann Spencer Bible. :) Only because I own it, though, not like I did any translation work!

The Wrong of Relationships

So, I had a few more thoughts while sitting in the back of our van on the way to visit my grandma:
The problem with so many of today's relationships is that it's all about you. You are trying to find someone who can make your life complete and make you happy. You are so focused on getting the best possible dates or the best-looking spouse, you forget what you're really supposed to be doing-
Matthew sound familiar to you? "But seek FIRST the KINGDOM OF GOD and His righteousness, and all these THINGS will be added unto you?" Things may not be directly referring to a spouse, but, hey, it is most definetely a thing that can hinder us from seeking God. Plus, if marriage relationships are going to be completely changed in heaven, then why should that be the primary focus?
I've seen it in so many Godly couples from my parents to many one28 leaders- marriage is about sacrifice and putting your spouse first. It's not a "you" thing! Adam may have been lonely no longer, but he probably didn't treat her like dirt or force her to cook all day for him (this sounds like I'm fighting for women's rights! :) Nope, women are under the authority of their husband and must take care of the househould!). Divorce was not an option, it's not the cure-all when you get too tired to work on your marriage. Only one reason is given in the Bible for divorce being ok, but I doubt many of the divorces follow that. One man one woman for as long as you both shall live, ok?
Let's get our focus off of loving relationships and the search and onto loving God!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

My Thoughts WAAAAY Past the Expiration Date

Oh my goodness! I cannot believe I have not written in so long. Well, I guess I can believe it because... well, it happened... But enough of that! I have wanted to post a blog about the awesome purity/lust/relationship messages we've had "surround-sound" style (i.e. for a while there Sunday mornings from Pastor Z and SKH and Wednesdays with SKH). So many deep and challenging things were convicting me and encouraging me to listen to the warnings before I put myself in stupid situations. I might not be able to elaborate as fully as I would like seeing as Christmas lunch with my family is about to begin, but I'll God-willing be able to write the basic gist:

I have discovered what kind of pleasure-seeker I am. Ironically enough, SKH mentioned it in a sermon indirectly after I had my little revelation, but I hadn't posted a blog about it. I am...
A "Happily Ever After Pleasure Seeker"!! As many of you know from my enthusastic glee while at Disneyland, I am a huge fan of many things Disney. I watched all the classics as a little girl and had the happily ever after mentality seared into my little blonde curly-headed mind (sorry for all the needless adjectives there). While having a depressing moment a few weeks back, instead of turning my thoughts to God, I said to myself, "Well, it'll all be better once I'm married." That one little thought made me first, laugh, then stop and search for the source. Why do I think that once you are happily married and find "the one", your life will be perfect?! By the horrific divorce rate present in America, that obviously is not true, so why would I even think that?! Hmm... (thinks deeply while "Once Upon a Dream" goes though her mind)... could it be the obvious message portrayed in so many Disney princess movies? Think about it... most of their lives are "oppressive" (The HORROR of having to do housecleaning, live under the sea, have a feast served by magical silverware, pick berries, or, GASP, live in a palace!) and what saves them? Finding prince charming, no less! They get to sing a romantic little song and ride off into the sunset. You ever notice they didn't show life after marriage until the ridiculous set of sequels popping up everywhere. Even then, the movies still have happy endings! I will admit the only kind of movies I truly enjoy have happy endings although for life on earth that's extremely unrealistic. For a Christian, of course, death is a happy ending leading to a glorious beginning of eternity praising God in His holiness. But, if I don't seek Him fully now or fail to control my attitude and act like a little brat, how can I expect one ceremony to bring out my best and completely sanctify me? How can I believe that once I have my own house, my own kids, things will be different? What in the world!?
Well, I just got the lunch call. Perhaps God will allow me to finish my thought later! Merry Christmas! Praise God for His wonderful, merciful, gift of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
After a delicious meal...
Interstingly enough, I have no desire to get married anytime soon, which is a very good thing, I'm sure. I am quite aware of the fact that I am still an immature adolescent and I need to be much closer and more in love with God before I can take any sort of "relationship" seriously. I know how important having the right spouse is and I take that very seriously. I also was reminded a few messages ago that if I'm focusing on finding a guy so much, that means I'm not satisfied with God and I have such a small heart to think it's all about pleasing myself and having some guy who'll tell me I'm pretty or something. Obviously, if the marriage relationship will not be present in heaven, we shouldn't be focusing on that and certainly not more than our love for our Eternal Father! It makes me so sad to see the pathetic boyfriend/girlfriend relationships of elementary students all the way to high school. Some, granted, are going about it the right way, but can you honestly say the majority are making the right choices? Obviously, God will use it as part of His plan for their lives, but still, we make mistakes! It seems like each year opens the door of "dating" to younger and younger people! I once heard a 2nd grader talking about the woes of his girlfriend who kept him on a tight leash. WHAT?! Aren't these kids supposed to be watching cartoons and playing with action figures or building forts or something!? What are the parents of America and the stupid media teaching these children? Sure, it's "cute", but don't you realize how much of a set-up it is? You are setting them up to have a ridiculous heart break and continue to have fruitless relationships that only end in emptiness!
The most infuriating thing to me is the people who can only be described as flirts. UGH! Disgusting! What do they really expect to get out of parading themselves as stupid little drooling giggling masses of hormones?! (And the adjectives come back again) (Wow. Killer quote right there!) Do you really want to be in a relationship with someone who falls for your foolery? What's stopping them from dumping you after a few weeks for the next hot person who makes them feel special to come along? How dare you dress in suggestive clothing and try to entrap guys into liking you! Do you really think that gives you any value whatsover?? Where's your sense of self or protection of the temple where God resides (or if you so boldly act like this maybe He isn't the one residing in your heart!)? You people make me sick! Although my first response is obviously one of disgust (slight understatement), I do have some pity hiding behind the fiery eyes of disbelief. I have had many friends who act like this and most often it's due in part to the lack of love in their life. They have not chosen to accept Christ or their Heavenly Father and they have families who are barely holding on. That does not excuse this ridiculous action, but I should definetly be praying that their heart will change. I want them to have a wonderful, Godly man who will protect them and their honor for the rest of his life. I want them to know the love of their Lord and Savior and treasure their unique personality and talents. Why they feel they have to act in such a flirtacious way when they are often the prettiest and most amazing people, I don't understand. Be who God has called you to be! Don't cheapen who you are or ask others to indulge in your lust for feeling better about yourself.
Wow! I haven't thought about that for a long time, but that's my two-sided thoughts on flirting. Anger and pity. Weird. Maybe the first reaction is that of selfishness and perhaps even jealousy of the attention they receive and then I realize how sad it truly is and my heart wants to help them to God. I'll have to think about that some more. I need to go get my notes from the past sermons so I can elaborate more for your reading pleasure. Actually, I think it's more a of a self-helping thing to have my thoughts be typed into something I can see more clearly. Well, whatever the case, I'll return later... By the way, why do they even have a wingdings option for a font?!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Do you always do what everyone else does?

Ok, I admit it. I got a myspace. The only reason was actually pretty random. I wanted to have a pretty star background but has a limited amount of templates, so I thought, "Hey, why not get a myspace?" It seems like it will help me keep in touch with old friends too, so I'll give it a try! I'll definetely have to delete it, though, if I keep getting questionable comments or whatever. Let me know if you see anything that concerns you on it! :) Thanks!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Who knew the Colonists and the British looked so stylish? Esther and I pose during the making of a history video about the War for Independence. It's the debut of Cowco, the colonists' cow insurance of yester-year! Posted by Picasa

Now... I Need You Now... More Than the Air I'm Breathin'

Ok, so admittedly, it's been a pretty long time! But I have a ton of things on my plate and not that many people read this anyway... :) I've always thought of my blog as a fun way to record memories and have a reminder of some of the things God has done in my life.

Well, basketball started this past Monday. That is very exciting! I always seem to forget how much I enjoy basketball. It just feels good to be able to run and score points (which doesn't happen THAT often, but I'm gonna work on it!). So far, we've come up with a play I fondly call "I don't know". So, if you ever hear me shouting that out on the court... it's not a mistake! :) I'm so grateful to the Lord for preserving me so far (after my bad ankle ligament tear last season) and allowing me to really enjoy this sport. It always cheers me up! I've played basketball the longest, so I have more experience and a more important role on the team. I'm not saying that I don't like soccer, in fact, I think I have more respect for talented soccer players than basketball, but I'm just better at basketball. That's kind of a "duh" reason why I would like it better. Plus, there's always a bunch of people hanging out at the home games and it's fun to see old, new, and current friends to chat with. I'm also a huge fan of the concession "stand"! I LOVE helping out with it... so much fun! Well, my biggest concern this year is being a Godly example to the other girls and working hard. I'm praying that we'll pull together and truly feel like a team... not JV vs V or younger girls and older girls... but together! I think it will be a good, but hard season.
Maybe we'll be blessed with a lot of wins... maybe not... only God knows! :)

My main struggle these past few weeks has been being faithful in reading the Word and battling lack of sleep, homework, and sore muscles. I had kind of a break down today because I was so disappointed with my lack of spiritual growth. I guess that's a good sign, but I'd better do something to change it, or it's worthless. I ended up reading my Bible during school for a long time to get refocused, but my mind kept going away from the page and into prayer and thought. I was, of course, directed to the perfect passages for me to hear. The infamous section about being tested but never too far. I found such comfort in hearing that even in my dispair, God was still there protecting me from destruction. I absolutely must focus more on heavenly things, though! I find myself disgusted with an attitude I had during the day or the way I said something... an opportunity to talk about Christ that I wasted... He was not my main focus, and that caused me to have so much grief! Thankfully, although the No Tresspassing talk is preventative medicine in my life, I was really deep in thought over one of SKH's comments. In essence: people are pursuing these silly relationships because they're not satisfied with God. WOW! What a revelation that was. Even though you'd think it would be obvious, I never directly thought about that. It made me realize, not with relationships necessarily, but just in all areas of my life, seeking other things means I'm not satisfied with God. How utterly pitiful! I don't think Solomon could've been any more clear about this, but many people, including myself, just aren't getting it! I imagine we must look completely lost and pathetic to God. Amazing that He would love and save us! I'm so thankful for that hope. I want to break free from the ridiculousness of searching after life under the sun... definetely something to pray about!

By the way, my title consists of lines from a song I love that has been encouraging me for the past few weeks. It's so true... we need Him more than the air we breathe... more than every second... He gives us each breath anyway!

More thoughts to come... (hopefully within a reasonable time period unlike my last blog gap!)
Your Sister in Christ, *Nat*

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

We are the Champions, My Friend... and We'll Keep on Fighting...

Very exciting news: We (the Grace HS Soccer team) are officially league champions. Not only do we get a sweet banner, 3 people get Starbucks cards!!! NO STINKIN' WAY! ;) And everyone on the team got to run through a victory tunnel set up by the fans. That was fun! Anyway, it was a crazy game, but we came out on top, so... YEEHAW! What a wonderful blessing! We still have to keep up the hard work, though, if we want to make it to state! I love soccer especially because it keeps me humble! I will never be in danger of having pride over my soccer skills, because I know how limited they are. It's great knowing the only thing you can do is hustle and play your best, no matter how pathetic you feel compared to other players. I truly admire those people who are really talented at this sport, it's not easy, and you have to love it to play well!

On a different note, it was awesome to have a prayer meeting at lunch today for the 06SR. I loved getting my priorities back in check and focusing on God! I hope and pray that this weekly opportunity will continually remind me of how much I need Him and should love Him!

Well, I need to go finish up taping a speech for an essay contest (VFW) that I do every year. I'll post more later this week if I get a chance.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Only Disneyland lets you pose with your buddies in a teacup! ;) Posted by Picasa

Cinderella's castle... all decked out for the 50th anniversary! Posted by Picasa

We can fly... to Never Never Land? Posted by Picasa

(As SKH would say:) Hmm... Posted by Picasa

Mr. Z relaxes with his good 'ol cellphone! Posted by Picasa

Yet another buddy picture! Yeah! Posted by Picasa

The Happiest -TRIP- On Earth!

I just returned from what had to be the best trip of my life (or equal with the DC trip perhaps)! I love Master's and am hoping to complete general ed courses there for two years before going to an engineering college somewhere else. They just don't have the right major, but why not do the first 2 years at a college with a wonderful Christian foundation? I have so many wonderful memories that I can't share them all. In fact, I won't share any other than to give you some quotes from the trip. It would just take too long! :)
Well, here they are:

Get a free chur-ro! Jokes.. jokes. I thought we just didn't eat quiche! Moron! I found Nemo and he's smashed! It's "A small world", not a small German! Don't forget, don't forget the Mexican spices! Jump, Mickey, jump! Neighborhood queen, are you still kissin' cowboys who cry Josephine? They're not dwarves, they're just vertically challenged! I only kiss men in Russia. And no more happiness! Women on the floor! Shut up, you little punk!

Well, I guess I can just list a few memories without too much detail...

eating at BJ's, going on rides (space mountain, indiana jones, small world, pirates, haunted mansion, honey i shrunk the audience, tarzan walk-through, matterhorn), hanging out in the dorms, visiting classes, listening to music, going to denny's really late, walking around the beautiful campus, playing foosball, having ice wars, singing in the vans, seeing old friends and meeting new ones (Izumi, Chris, Jeremy, David, Susi, Charissa, Nathan, Lisa), visiting church services, laughing, laughing, and more laughing, visiting a recital, sliding down stair rails, seeing palm trees, discussing the "intricateness" and "creativeness" of Disney rides...

I'll probably edit this post and add more info as I remember more things! :)

Anyway, I loved it! Praise God for the wonderful time I had and giving me the interest to go to Master's. That door is certainly open right now. How awesome would that be to go there?!

Well, I'm tired and I have to go do math and spanish. I guess I'll post some fun pictures! Enjoy!

Love, *Nat*

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Washington anymore!

Good morning to you all! I usually don't get up for school until 6, but I woke up at 5:15 and couldn't go back to sleep. I tend to do that when I am excited or nervous for something. I came downstairs to read a few Psalms and get my heart in the right place before I take the PSAT. As some of you know, I've been working hard to have the philosophy of: "I'm just gonna do my best... there's no point in worrying... I will get EXACTLY the score God wants me to get... and regardless if I do well or not, I'm gonna praise Him!" (definetly NOT grammatically correct, but "it's my blog and I'll mess-up if I want to"! Well, technically it's God's because He made me and he gave me the ability to set up an account and write these words and... wow, backed myself into an ever-loving corner! Apparently I don't function too well at 5:30!) If anyone happens to read this somewhere between 8-12 this morning, please pray for me and the other students! It would be much appreciated!
ANYWAY, to mention the Lopez game yesterday, it was a bit disheartening. By the end, I wanted SO MUCH for our team to finish well and win the game. When that didn't happen, in essence, my heart had been broken. Sounds cheesy, I know, but I just belived and hoped that we would do what I knew we could do. Anyway, being the girl that I am, that made me cry (or weep bitterly, whatever you like) on the ride home. As much as it hurt, I am thankful to God for that lesson. No matter how frustrated or disappointed we are, God has a plan for our team. We have to keep our joy in Him and build up one another to good deeds (or good plays/crosses :)). And avoid forgetting to take out clips and (oops!) bobby pins, bandanas, and putting on shin guards!
Now to finally arrive at the subject that my title hints at... MASTER'S TRIP! I am excited, but not nearly as enthusiastic as I will be once the weight of the PSAT is gone. Granted, God is giving me much peace right now, but it is still a weight in my mind. As for the trip, I can't wait for the wonderful fellowship, good music, and learning about how Christian colleges are run. (I want to be able to compare other Christian colleges to Master's and/or decide if God wants me to go to a non-Christian-based college. By the way, if you were interested, I'm thinking about: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (FL), WSU, George Washington University (DC), California Poly-Technic University (CA, DUH!), 3 smaller ones in NY called Alfred, Drexel, and Renassler?(2 of which are "Christian"), and Le Tourneau (TX- Nicole Shultz goes there). On most of these, I'm just going to apply and see if God "opens the door". If you think about it, I would love prayer for this decision as well that I need to make in the coming year.
So, to close, I want to type up parts of Psalm 9 that really encouraged me this morning:
"I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonders. I will be glad and exult in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High... The Lord also will be a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble; AND THOSE WHO KNOW YOUR NAME WILL PUT THEIR TRUST IN YOU, FOR YOU, O LORD, HAVE NOT FORSAKEN THOSE WHO SEEK YOU! Amen! Soli Deo Gloria! See you next Monday... more like Tuesday!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Ya Got a Dead Yak Up There!

Check this out! Pretty funny clip from Mr. Regan about Hanes being his sponsor.

And here's a very short one about
Italian Food.

I'm Fat, I'm Ugly, and... I'm gonna poke my eye out?!

This is more of a frustration vent than a blog, but, oh well. Have you ever felt like you don't know why you're doing something. Like you feel so utterly pathetic and worthless that your embarassment never ends? You feel you could easily do better, but it just isn't happening?

Welcome to
my life playing soccer. I love watching people who actually have skill and really enjoy playing, and I wish I could help the team out more. (Especially when I'm given the awesome opportunity to play forward, and I completely waste it!)

Well, that's when I smile and laugh at myself because I realize I forgot my eternal perspective. For pete's sake, (And don't ask me who Pete is... I don't know!) the only reason I can walk and think and breathe and do ANYTHING is because of God! I should be thankful and realize that NO, I'm absolutely not going to be the best or even just remotely good at everything. It just means I have to play my best... whether that means using mad skills on the field or cheering crazily with a
British accent.

Well, whether or not I play well, God is good! And praise be to Him for giving us the wonderful soccer players we have on our team, starters or not!

Thanks for listening!

Monday, October 03, 2005

Mmm... yes. What's with Family Guy?!

I am quite confused, to be perfectly honest. After hearing so many hilarious quotes from this wacky cartoon, I decided to check it out Sunday night. Although many things were very funny and amusing, I couldn't go for five minutes without hearing at least 10 swear words. Now, maybe that was the specific five minutes I actually watched it or just a random dirtier-than-usual show, but if that's normal... why is it so popular with so many of us? I mean, I understand humor just as much as the next guy (just sit next to Esther and I at school for more than 2 seconds or watch me laugh crazily due to lack of sleep), but at what cost? If this show is constantly sticking in inappropriate things, no matter how funny the clean stuff is, why are we willing to encourage others to watch it and see how great it is?! What kind of mixed testimony is that?! I wish they would keep it "clean", but they don't seem to at all! Doesn't that bother you?! Please share with me, my brothers in Christ especially, what's up with this? I'm worried that we're becoming too much like the world! I definetely need to work on not pursuing temporal pleasures, so let me know if you see an area in my life that doesn't add up... this is just my attempt to help you in your Walk. Is Family Guy an edifying part of that? Or... am I just missing something obvious? Thanks for reading- please leave thoughts/comments! Love you all in Christ!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Ode to Air Compressors/Sirens/Whatchamacallits

At 6 in the morning, the boys had no clue
They slept in their cabin with snoring so true
But soon they would find to their great surprise
Some knocking and giggling from girls half their size
At 1 in their cabin, the girls made a plan
The two goofy leaders just gave them a hand
The one with the curls kept smiling so bright
Thinking of giving the boys quite a fright
Earlier for games Pearce had then found
This awesome compressor with horrid a sound
Instead of ringing the old, muffled bell
The loud, roaring screech worked really quite well
So sneaking across the wet grass and the ground
Esther and Nad were hard to be found
They quickly went in to try to succeed
And found their dear leader ready to heed
He set up the rules- don't bother his guys
But other than that, he let them decide
They grabbed the container and ran out the door
Ready to do it and laughing some more
Alarm rang 'round 6 and girls left their beds
The light switch came on and some hid their heads
Making the trek across the damp hill
Was not very easy when eager in will
When finding the cabin of targeted guys
Their window was open to size very wide
In hushed delight the young ones began
Pounding the wall to wake every man
When given the signal, the handle went down
The earsplitting noise gave firm a resound
Accomplishing their deed, each one turn and ran
A sprint to the bathroom and clapping of hand
Before they returned, each one gave a laugh
The light was now on from the porch they had rap'd
One guy hit his head, but another just slept
Still, it was worth it- a prank had been left
So let this be lesson to those who still think
They're free from all pranking- they won't lose their sleep
If you hear some giggling and whisp'ring at night
Beware of the girls from cabin named 9

Saturday, September 24, 2005

To end my posting today, I leave you with a cute picture of Daniela and Kim listening to music and eating apples after our 1-0 victory! Posted by Picasa

I took a ton of pictures at our last soccer game against Bear Creek. This is one of my favorite! Good form, Mike! Posted by Picasa

Here's my Dad and what's left of our deck. It was rotting I guess... maybe he just wanted an excuse to demolish something! ;) Posted by Picasa

OK, so here it is... the infamous fish picture posted in the office! Mr. Sarr insists that I look like I just gave birth. Anyway, I got to go fishing with Mr. Kacker and my dad last Saturday and caught a 12 lb salmon. Less than 20 were caught that day out of 77 boats! Once again, the Lord blessed me hugely! He was pretty tasty! Yum! Posted by Picasa

Doesn't anyone else have a testimony?!

Howdy! I was just cruising the one28 website and found to my dismay that, yet again, I am the only one with a testimony online! I seem to remember SKH telling EVERYONE that they could send him their picture and testimony oh, only about a YEAR AGO! I want to hear how my one28 brothers and sisters became saved... someone please be added to the list! I would just love that! Anyway, now that I've gotten that out of the way, I am so excited! This year has been full of homework already, but God has blessed me with tons of fun things to do too! I've gone to the fair, Olive Garden, great small groups, soccer party @ Coach's, soccer games... and I get to go to JH retreat, Cristiano's, Master's Trip... the list could go on and on! I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for taking care of me like that! Just allowing me to enjoy many things when I am faithful in my school work! After having to take all last week off from soccer because of a strange, humongous bruise, I feel ready to play again! I am sure I will be exhausted after the first practice due to getting out of shape, but praise the Lord I can even run and kick again! Because I wasn't playing last week, I had enough time to sit at practice and do homework and even make a fun movie/slideshow of our game against Bear Creek to show in Chapel this Wednesday! It was all part of His great plan! Sorry for the mumble jumble of thoughts, but it was just a short update. I need to get back to doing homework for next Thurs. and Fri. when I'll be on the JH retreat as a cabin leader! Hasta luego!
P.S. If you see Chris McAuliffe this week, say: "Hola, Sabio Pato!"

Thursday, September 08, 2005

I Am So Cool! (Just for you, SKH!!)

Actually, the title has nothing to do with this blog, but was a joke for our dear shepherd! Ok, muy bueno... I STARTED SCHOOL ON WEDNESDAY!! (I know, it's a big shock for all of you... NOT!) I was very much looking forward to starting. With the first day games/events out of the way, I finally got a glimpse of what my school year was going to look like. I've come to the brilliant conclusion that it is strange. Mainly due to the fact that I am driving and that senior year feels very, very close! It's also bizarre realizing that I'm not going to be at Grace Academy for much longer. I've gone there since kindergarten, so it's like my second home. I truly belive I spend more time on our beloved campus than my actual home at least during the school year. What's exciting is feeling like you're used to how things go and you can share your experiences with younger grades and newer students. SLC is also a huge opportunity this year as well. God in His sovereignty allowed me to become vice president and I pray I can live up to that calling. I hope we can truly lead our high school to a spirtual revival of sorts (or to use one28's favorite term- reformation!!!). I don't want to go through another year just sitting through 7 classes, doing sports, or planning events without keeping God's agenda for my life first. I don't want to look back on graduation day June 2007 and realize I missed a huge opportunity. I've got to give a last push... finish the last stretch... sew the last button (or any other comparison you might think of) so I can give a positive account for my 17th and 18th year of life! College is going to be a huge change, so I should make sure to cherish the wonderful environment, teachers, and friends at Grace! Well, in closing, I will type the first part of 2 Timothy 3 that we were to memorize tonight for tomorrow in Mr. Peter's Bible class (more to follow as we memorize the whole chapter) and a few choice "Word of the Day" highlights:

"But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come." (NASB)

tintinabulation- the sound a bell makes
(This was extra humerous because I thought Stuart said "the sound a bull makes" when he said the definition. tintinaBULation- it makes sense! :))

chiasmus- inverted relationship between syntactic elements of parallel phrases
(Um... thanks Webster, I guess.) It mentioned something like: "to stop too fearful and too faint to go"

P.S. Our first soccer game is tomorrow against Orcas Island. I love ferry rides, don't you? We'll certainly give it our all! I'll have to post the scores when we return!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

"Some girls will do anything to get a tan!" Actually... I just posted this because I thought it was so hilarious! It'll make a great profile pic too! :) Posted by Picasa

Mind Game

Hmm... so I've made it through 2 soccer practices keeping a smile on my face, but I've noticed something I really want to fix! We each get to share what we're learning in devotions before practice, and I know what I'm gonna say! :) God has been showing me I'm not casting my cares on Him! I worry about getting to practice on time, I worry about getting work days off... it's just ridiculous! But, now I am slowly realizing that worrying will not at all add an hour to my life or make things fix themselves! For pete's sake, God is in control and when I freak out about things, it just makes my attitude worse and doesn't allow God to bless my trusting of Him. It's not always going to work out the way I want it, but why worry? Is missing a party or something because of work really going to matter in eternity?! NO! He is my peace! (Australian version: "No Worries, MATE!") I have to trust Him that He is who He says and through Him I can do all things! I should try to remember that next time I feel like fainting on the soccer field. My strength cannot help me finish, but His is utterly sufficient- I just have to ask!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Let the Sports Season Begin!

Hello there! Soccer and volleyball practice begin today! I decided in the end to play soccer although I had been considering volleyball for quite some time. I had to dig out my old cleats and shin guards and I just had to laugh when I saw how dusty they had become. It's a good thing I kept all my socks too! I would've had to rush out to Big 5 or something today because my decision to play was pretty recent! I am very excited for new memories and becoming a better player! I am sure it will take me a long time to feel remotely good, but then, I never have played it much, so I can't expect to be an awesome player or anything! I will certainly do my best! I'm also very enthusiastic to have a better attitude this season! When I played as a freshmen, I was so much more immature (Note that I still have a long way to go! :)) and I had a really hard time playing with so many older guys. I would take everything personally and cry about nothing. God has worked in me so much since then, and I can't promise I won't cry or have a bad attitude better, but I do know it should be a much more focused and fun season! I am a little nervous, but with so many of my friends playing, I know it will be just fine. And as Christ would remind me, I can't add an hour to my life (or a time warp to practice) by worrying! I'm ready to get out there and work hard to actually kick the little white thing with black spots! (Or is it black with white spots??)

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

THE END! May His Name have been lifted high through it all! After all, He's the one who gave music to us and allowed me to go enjoy the concerts praising His Name! Posted by Picasa

Looking a little sleepy, but still smilin'... :D Posted by Picasa

Just turn your head to the right and you'll see a picture of my daddy and me enjoying the shade of our umbrella on the amphitheater hill! Posted by Picasa

Ah.. the candlelight ceremony! Always reminds me that as Christians we really are like a light shining in the darkness. We have to make that effort to shine or the world will keep ignoring the truth! Posted by Picasa

AA had a little too much fun! At least the lead singer tried on a couple hats... Posted by Picasa

Cooling off at the state park is just what we needed! Not sure if we're tired or upset about losing card games... :) Posted by Picasa

Toby Mac... quite the rapper at heart... he had a cool testimony! Posted by Picasa

The guy ducktapes his headphones on... how cool is that?! Go Darren! Posted by Picasa

Paul with his key-tar! :) At one point he jumped into the crowd and he was leaning right above us! Posted by Picasa

Mute Math was awesome! The drummer is hilarious! We only had one person in front of us! Posted by Picasa

Bethany Dillon was great! We got right up front too! Posted by Picasa

On to Creation... why not start with yet another pic of Esther and I? We're such camera freaks! :) Posted by Picasa

And in closing for Icthus, my favorite buddy picture of the trip! Ta-Daaa! Posted by Picasa