Monday, October 03, 2005

Mmm... yes. What's with Family Guy?!

I am quite confused, to be perfectly honest. After hearing so many hilarious quotes from this wacky cartoon, I decided to check it out Sunday night. Although many things were very funny and amusing, I couldn't go for five minutes without hearing at least 10 swear words. Now, maybe that was the specific five minutes I actually watched it or just a random dirtier-than-usual show, but if that's normal... why is it so popular with so many of us? I mean, I understand humor just as much as the next guy (just sit next to Esther and I at school for more than 2 seconds or watch me laugh crazily due to lack of sleep), but at what cost? If this show is constantly sticking in inappropriate things, no matter how funny the clean stuff is, why are we willing to encourage others to watch it and see how great it is?! What kind of mixed testimony is that?! I wish they would keep it "clean", but they don't seem to at all! Doesn't that bother you?! Please share with me, my brothers in Christ especially, what's up with this? I'm worried that we're becoming too much like the world! I definetely need to work on not pursuing temporal pleasures, so let me know if you see an area in my life that doesn't add up... this is just my attempt to help you in your Walk. Is Family Guy an edifying part of that? Or... am I just missing something obvious? Thanks for reading- please leave thoughts/comments! Love you all in Christ!


Anonymous said...

Hey I'm commenting.

Wow, pretty convicting, since Dave G and I always quote it. But I'll have you know that I totally agree, and I haven't watched that show for awhile now. But Dave and I can't resist qouting the hilarity of some (most.....all) of the clean jokes. There are some things though that I know ,Natalie, that you would die over. But no, it is not an edifying show in anyway, actually it's openly sacreligious.

NatNannyNad said...

Hey, I didn't say it wasn't funny at some points! They did an 80s montage or something when they tried to fix up a building... pretty hilarious. Just trying to make us think! I'm gonna do my best to make sure I'm not doing the same thing with other shows!Thanks for the comments, though guys!

Ali said...

Hey natalie.this is Ali.
you are so right about family guy,It's freaky. the thing is there isn't anything too family guy,it just appeals to the sin nature that man finds attractive.


Ali said...

soli deo gloria was the theme of my school[grace community] for 2004-05.