Tuesday, October 25, 2005

We are the Champions, My Friend... and We'll Keep on Fighting...

Very exciting news: We (the Grace HS Soccer team) are officially league champions. Not only do we get a sweet banner, 3 people get Starbucks cards!!! NO STINKIN' WAY! ;) And everyone on the team got to run through a victory tunnel set up by the fans. That was fun! Anyway, it was a crazy game, but we came out on top, so... YEEHAW! What a wonderful blessing! We still have to keep up the hard work, though, if we want to make it to state! I love soccer especially because it keeps me humble! I will never be in danger of having pride over my soccer skills, because I know how limited they are. It's great knowing the only thing you can do is hustle and play your best, no matter how pathetic you feel compared to other players. I truly admire those people who are really talented at this sport, it's not easy, and you have to love it to play well!

On a different note, it was awesome to have a prayer meeting at lunch today for the 06SR. I loved getting my priorities back in check and focusing on God! I hope and pray that this weekly opportunity will continually remind me of how much I need Him and should love Him!

Well, I need to go finish up taping a speech for an essay contest (VFW) that I do every year. I'll post more later this week if I get a chance.

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