Friday, June 30, 2006

Arlington Traffic

The following is a public announcement... just kidding... ahem... let me start over:
The following is an excerpt from an e-mail I sent to my grandparents about my first piloting experience. I've been blessed to be able to take flight lessons/ground school at Out of the Blue Aviation at the Arlington Airport. I absolutely love it! I think I still like the experience of boating better than flying (But Pastor Z was right, I can steer a boat pretty well... until certain guy friends decide to slow down so I crash... Camano Island baby!), but that could change as I pursue my pilot's license. But, there's nothing like the feeling of wind blowing past you and water splashing up as you crank the throttle! :D But, then again, there's nothing else like the feeling of looking down on the world and pulling g's on turns! God's creation is amazing no matter where you are! But, as I promised, here's my e-mail about last Friday's experience:
Anyway, you asked to hear about my first flight. I loved it! The weather was so beautiful and clear and I had a blast! Ben (the instructor) said he was impressed with how well I did for my first time. I even got to make the radio calls. :) They went like this:

"Arlington Traffic
This is Cessna 51Mike
On left downwind
Runway 34

My favorite part of the flight was take-off (all you have to do is push in the throttle to 2500 rpm and wait to hit 60 mph, then pull back! :) ) and making turns (45 degree ones gave us 2 gs- I love that feeling!). I can't wait to have my next lesson. I'm ordering this great book from I saw at the Aviation place. It's called Pilot's Handbook Of Aeronautical Knowledge and it seems to have great diagrams and information. Cathy (the lady who started the school/business) is so impressed with me she said she wants to hire me to work for her in the office once a week! She's going to match how much pay I get at Gap! Isn't that cool? I'm very excited!
Well, just thought I'd get an update up here! I also just returned from a mini family vacation at Port Angeles and the Olympic Mountain area. We got to enjoy many beaches, beautiful hikes, and tasty restaurants!
Well, that's it for me... enjoying God's creation and gorgeous weather! What could be better? (on earth, that is...)

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Were it not for Grace...

No, this is not a post about the blessings of Grace Bible Church and Grace Academy (that'll come someday) although I love the people involved with both so incredibly much... This is to share a story that happened on Monday which changed my perspective.

DZ was driving Dave and I back from the soccer "practice" at 8 or so. As we passed Fred Meyer, suddently he stopped and began to turn the car around. I couldn't see what he was looking at, but I knew it was serious. DZ rolled the window down and pulled into the parking lot of the apartments across the street and got out of the car. Dave, wanting to make sure he was safe, got out too. Finally, I heard the screaming of a girl arguing with her ?boyfriend? and pushing him. I won't go into details, but she was very upset and wanted something that was supposedly hers back from him. DZ helped to calm her down and the two walked off, temporarily subdued. When the boys got back in the car, I couldn't speak. When they first got out, my thought was, "Dear Jesus, protect them! They are my dear brothers, I love them so much... I don't want to lose them!" That thougth was pretty much irrational, but you never know what can happen. Second, I started fervently praying for the man's and woman's salvation. They were lost, no doubt about it. A couple of tears entered my eyes as we left the parking lot and headed to get gas for the car. If God hadn't saved us, we could be just like that. That had me thinking for quite awhile. How happy was I at the school and church God ordained for me... How happy was I with my close friends fellowshipping... So peaceful and wonderful living under the shadow of His wings! But not everyone has that. I truly admire DZ for being willing to stop. Not just drive on by (reminds me of the good samaritan) and let the world cave-in on itself from sin. Although there are times when it's not safe for a girl to intervene, if I do have a chance to help out, I will. Praise God for keeping my beloved brothers and I safe! Praise God for giving us salvation we didn't deserve!

Please pray for the couple. They need God, not the things of this world.