Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Mind Game

Hmm... so I've made it through 2 soccer practices keeping a smile on my face, but I've noticed something I really want to fix! We each get to share what we're learning in devotions before practice, and I know what I'm gonna say! :) God has been showing me I'm not casting my cares on Him! I worry about getting to practice on time, I worry about getting work days off... it's just ridiculous! But, now I am slowly realizing that worrying will not at all add an hour to my life or make things fix themselves! For pete's sake, God is in control and when I freak out about things, it just makes my attitude worse and doesn't allow God to bless my trusting of Him. It's not always going to work out the way I want it, but why worry? Is missing a party or something because of work really going to matter in eternity?! NO! He is my peace! (Australian version: "No Worries, MATE!") I have to trust Him that He is who He says and through Him I can do all things! I should try to remember that next time I feel like fainting on the soccer field. My strength cannot help me finish, but His is utterly sufficient- I just have to ask!

1 comment:

NatNannyNad said...

Ok, so I said the "not add an hour to my life" comment in the last blog, but hey, it's important!