I know I mentioned this before, but I'm officially switching over to my senior year blog until next fall.
Check it out! :)
Thanks for readin'!
Monday, August 28, 2006
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Christ is Life
Another Ichthus, another time of reflection. The retreat seemed strange in that the messages themselves were very practical. The truths seemed simple enough to apply, but in reality, with a sinful nature, it's not easy! Some of the things I learned include:
*I've got to stop being so selfish! It's disgusting how everything I do is typically motivated by ME. I don't consider others as more important very often and that's got to change! And, what are the odds, I actually feel more joyful when I do that... hmm...
*I have an amazing opportunity to be a spiritual impact, especially at school, but I'm way too focused on the next sports game, or a grade on a test, or "hangin'" with my close friends. Why don't I take the time to invest in others' lives and ask them what they believe or what they need prayer for? Hey, whad'ya know, that problem is also rooted in selfishness...
*I need to find my curiosity again. To explain, new believers are often very excited to learn as much as they can about God. They are constantly asking questions, pondering who Christ is, and want to have Christian fellowship every second. I am so used to being in a wonderful church/school environment, that I think I subconsciously assume I know all there is to know, but nothing could be farther from the truth. I want the child-like enthusiasm + adult wisdom that comes from loving God and studying His Word!
*I also loved getting counsel and just listening to many of the adults that went. I never get to really talk with the Bowers or Higgins that much, and it's such a blessing when I can. Even short conversations help me gain the right perspective on things or understand what it's like to have more of a passion for truth.
I could say much more, but I can't wait to clean up from the trip and marinate on more of what God was teaching me. As for fun times, I loved getting to know my small group better, swimming early in the morning, balancing on logs, and whispering late into the night with Kim and Esther. In closing I will leave you with a poem (amazingly enough I wrote one that didn't have a rhyme scheme. I guess it's more of a prose, then) that I wrote while sitting on a log at the beach at 5:50 am Friday morning:
Each house at the water's edge is aglow with the shine of a rising sun.
The water, still and clear as glass reflects each color brilliantly.
A soft cry in the distance, almost as a wolf, but perhaps a bird, opens my ears to the many other sounds.
Crows heartily fight for the right of a breaded snack.
A tiny sparrow rustles the leaves of a berried bush and hops to the water's edge to splash, then shakes dry.
A ruffling sound from behind tells me the ravens have also joined in the cool bath.
Off in the distance, two ducks begin the day with a brisk swim.
The waves near my feet begin to pick up their journey speed as a boat and waterski cause a powerful reaction.
Small ripples from tiny fish and insects appear constantly, though far apart from their twins.
Tiny rocks line the shore, half wet, half dry.
With blue sky above and golden waves below, I wish it would last forever.
But, praising our King is not limited to being through such magificence.
It is a beautiful, peaceful morning as the world comes alive to give glory to its Creator.
*I've got to stop being so selfish! It's disgusting how everything I do is typically motivated by ME. I don't consider others as more important very often and that's got to change! And, what are the odds, I actually feel more joyful when I do that... hmm...
*I have an amazing opportunity to be a spiritual impact, especially at school, but I'm way too focused on the next sports game, or a grade on a test, or "hangin'" with my close friends. Why don't I take the time to invest in others' lives and ask them what they believe or what they need prayer for? Hey, whad'ya know, that problem is also rooted in selfishness...
*I need to find my curiosity again. To explain, new believers are often very excited to learn as much as they can about God. They are constantly asking questions, pondering who Christ is, and want to have Christian fellowship every second. I am so used to being in a wonderful church/school environment, that I think I subconsciously assume I know all there is to know, but nothing could be farther from the truth. I want the child-like enthusiasm + adult wisdom that comes from loving God and studying His Word!
*I also loved getting counsel and just listening to many of the adults that went. I never get to really talk with the Bowers or Higgins that much, and it's such a blessing when I can. Even short conversations help me gain the right perspective on things or understand what it's like to have more of a passion for truth.
I could say much more, but I can't wait to clean up from the trip and marinate on more of what God was teaching me. As for fun times, I loved getting to know my small group better, swimming early in the morning, balancing on logs, and whispering late into the night with Kim and Esther. In closing I will leave you with a poem (amazingly enough I wrote one that didn't have a rhyme scheme. I guess it's more of a prose, then) that I wrote while sitting on a log at the beach at 5:50 am Friday morning:
Each house at the water's edge is aglow with the shine of a rising sun.
The water, still and clear as glass reflects each color brilliantly.
A soft cry in the distance, almost as a wolf, but perhaps a bird, opens my ears to the many other sounds.
Crows heartily fight for the right of a breaded snack.
A tiny sparrow rustles the leaves of a berried bush and hops to the water's edge to splash, then shakes dry.
A ruffling sound from behind tells me the ravens have also joined in the cool bath.
Off in the distance, two ducks begin the day with a brisk swim.
The waves near my feet begin to pick up their journey speed as a boat and waterski cause a powerful reaction.
Small ripples from tiny fish and insects appear constantly, though far apart from their twins.
Tiny rocks line the shore, half wet, half dry.
With blue sky above and golden waves below, I wish it would last forever.
But, praising our King is not limited to being through such magificence.
It is a beautiful, peaceful morning as the world comes alive to give glory to its Creator.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Arlington Traffic
The following is a public announcement... just kidding... ahem... let me start over:
The following is an excerpt from an e-mail I sent to my grandparents about my first piloting experience. I've been blessed to be able to take flight lessons/ground school at Out of the Blue Aviation at the Arlington Airport. I absolutely love it! I think I still like the experience of boating better than flying (But Pastor Z was right, I can steer a boat pretty well... until certain guy friends decide to slow down so I crash... Camano Island baby!), but that could change as I pursue my pilot's license. But, there's nothing like the feeling of wind blowing past you and water splashing up as you crank the throttle! :D But, then again, there's nothing else like the feeling of looking down on the world and pulling g's on turns! God's creation is amazing no matter where you are! But, as I promised, here's my e-mail about last Friday's experience:
Anyway, you asked to hear about my first flight. I loved it! The weather was so beautiful and clear and I had a blast! Ben (the instructor) said he was impressed with how well I did for my first time. I even got to make the radio calls. :) They went like this:
"Arlington Traffic
This is Cessna 51Mike
On left downwind
Runway 34
"Arlington Traffic
This is Cessna 51Mike
On left downwind
Runway 34

My favorite part of the flight was take-off (all you have to do is push in the throttle to 2500 rpm and wait to hit 60 mph, then pull back! :) ) and making turns (45 degree ones gave us 2 gs- I love that feeling!). I can't wait to have my next lesson. I'm ordering this great book from half.com I saw at the Aviation place. It's called Pilot's Handbook Of Aeronautical Knowledge and it seems to have great diagrams and information. Cathy (the lady who started the school/business) is so impressed with me she said she wants to hire me to work for her in the office once a week! She's going to match how much pay I get at Gap! Isn't that cool? I'm very excited!
Well, just thought I'd get an update up here! I also just returned from a mini family vacation at Port Angeles and the Olympic Mountain area. We got to enjoy many beaches, beautiful hikes, and tasty restaurants!
Well, that's it for me... enjoying God's creation and gorgeous weather! What could be better? (on earth, that is...)
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Were it not for Grace...
No, this is not a post about the blessings of Grace Bible Church and Grace Academy (that'll come someday) although I love the people involved with both so incredibly much... This is to share a story that happened on Monday which changed my perspective.
DZ was driving Dave and I back from the soccer "practice" at 8 or so. As we passed Fred Meyer, suddently he stopped and began to turn the car around. I couldn't see what he was looking at, but I knew it was serious. DZ rolled the window down and pulled into the parking lot of the apartments across the street and got out of the car. Dave, wanting to make sure he was safe, got out too. Finally, I heard the screaming of a girl arguing with her ?boyfriend? and pushing him. I won't go into details, but she was very upset and wanted something that was supposedly hers back from him. DZ helped to calm her down and the two walked off, temporarily subdued. When the boys got back in the car, I couldn't speak. When they first got out, my thought was, "Dear Jesus, protect them! They are my dear brothers, I love them so much... I don't want to lose them!" That thougth was pretty much irrational, but you never know what can happen. Second, I started fervently praying for the man's and woman's salvation. They were lost, no doubt about it. A couple of tears entered my eyes as we left the parking lot and headed to get gas for the car. If God hadn't saved us, we could be just like that. That had me thinking for quite awhile. How happy was I at the school and church God ordained for me... How happy was I with my close friends fellowshipping... So peaceful and wonderful living under the shadow of His wings! But not everyone has that. I truly admire DZ for being willing to stop. Not just drive on by (reminds me of the good samaritan) and let the world cave-in on itself from sin. Although there are times when it's not safe for a girl to intervene, if I do have a chance to help out, I will. Praise God for keeping my beloved brothers and I safe! Praise God for giving us salvation we didn't deserve!
Please pray for the couple. They need God, not the things of this world.
DZ was driving Dave and I back from the soccer "practice" at 8 or so. As we passed Fred Meyer, suddently he stopped and began to turn the car around. I couldn't see what he was looking at, but I knew it was serious. DZ rolled the window down and pulled into the parking lot of the apartments across the street and got out of the car. Dave, wanting to make sure he was safe, got out too. Finally, I heard the screaming of a girl arguing with her ?boyfriend? and pushing him. I won't go into details, but she was very upset and wanted something that was supposedly hers back from him. DZ helped to calm her down and the two walked off, temporarily subdued. When the boys got back in the car, I couldn't speak. When they first got out, my thought was, "Dear Jesus, protect them! They are my dear brothers, I love them so much... I don't want to lose them!" That thougth was pretty much irrational, but you never know what can happen. Second, I started fervently praying for the man's and woman's salvation. They were lost, no doubt about it. A couple of tears entered my eyes as we left the parking lot and headed to get gas for the car. If God hadn't saved us, we could be just like that. That had me thinking for quite awhile. How happy was I at the school and church God ordained for me... How happy was I with my close friends fellowshipping... So peaceful and wonderful living under the shadow of His wings! But not everyone has that. I truly admire DZ for being willing to stop. Not just drive on by (reminds me of the good samaritan) and let the world cave-in on itself from sin. Although there are times when it's not safe for a girl to intervene, if I do have a chance to help out, I will. Praise God for keeping my beloved brothers and I safe! Praise God for giving us salvation we didn't deserve!
Please pray for the couple. They need God, not the things of this world.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Un Attack of the Seagulls
Click if you Dare...
... just kidding. So not scary! And the un is on purpose. Good times.
In addition, I just started yet another blog. I'm not planning to use it as much until later this fall or maybe August, but just thought I'd give you some insight into my new idea. I might even tweak the template s'more. Too much fun!
Click if you Dare...
... just kidding. So not scary! And the un is on purpose. Good times.
In addition, I just started yet another blog. I'm not planning to use it as much until later this fall or maybe August, but just thought I'd give you some insight into my new idea. I might even tweak the template s'more. Too much fun!
Monday, May 22, 2006
Cheney-Bound...Again (2 Years Later)
Ahhhhhhhh! (Screams excitedly like a teenage groupie) I get to go to the state track meet in Cheney with the relay team! I was praying about this all day because I wanted to go so badly,
and Coach said I can go! I have such good memories from two years ago... fun stores, breaking the school relay record, seeing my cousins compete, eating at Olive Garden and Red Robin, riding the Merry-Go-Round and whooping Stuart at the little ring toss game (you did it while riding the horses!), buying a sweatshirt, watchin' TV in the hotel room, watching stupid videos from, you guessed it! stupidvideos.com... ahhh... me as a silly little freshmen! Good times! I can't wait to make more memori
es, encourage the guys, support the coaches, watch my cousin (Who's so stinkin' fast he made it to state in the 100m, 200m, and 400m! He is seeded as the fastest 100m runner in the state for B league!), and have a wonderful time! I am very! very! very! excited! Thank you, Heavenly Father, for this amazing blessing! I can't believe school's almost over and this is a perfect way to end the track season instead of the horribly disappointing last Saturday Tri-District meet. Well, I have to go do homework, but just thought I'd share my "hyper-excited" thoughts! Congrats if you could actually decipher this blog...

Sunday, May 21, 2006
Ever More
We wrote a hymn in English class (5-19-06), so I thought I'd share mine:
Ever More
Ocean waves are crashing 'round me,
Crystal clear the water calls,
Shouting of Your grace and mercy,
Even when I sin and fall.
When my heart is overflowing,
When my hope takes wings to soar,
When my joy is full and growing,
Praise to You, Lord, ever more.
When my pain is choking slowly,
When my love is cold and worn,
When my soul feels weak and broken,
Praise to You, Lord, ever more.
Swirling winds are blowing softly,
Reminding me You're always there.
The freshness clears my doubts and questions,
Surrender all to loving care.
Ever more, my dearest Father!
Ever more I'll praise Your name!
Ever more, in good and bad, Lord!
Ever more Your Kingdom reign!
Ever More
Ocean waves are crashing 'round me,
Crystal clear the water calls,
Shouting of Your grace and mercy,
Even when I sin and fall.
When my heart is overflowing,
When my hope takes wings to soar,
When my joy is full and growing,
Praise to You, Lord, ever more.
When my pain is choking slowly,
When my love is cold and worn,
When my soul feels weak and broken,
Praise to You, Lord, ever more.
Swirling winds are blowing softly,
Reminding me You're always there.
The freshness clears my doubts and questions,
Surrender all to loving care.
Ever more, my dearest Father!
Ever more I'll praise Your name!
Ever more, in good and bad, Lord!
Ever more Your Kingdom reign!
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
I Am Yours... Save Me
Yesterday was one of the craziest days of my life. School work + quizzes + SLC meeting + district track meet+ twisted ankle + choir concert + 2 solos + no time to eat dinner + ice cream = Monday! :) First up at the meet was the long jump. 2 years ago, my pr (personal record) was 12'10". Granted, that's pretty short, but this year, I could barely get 12'! I was getting discouraged and decided that there was no point in me jumping. I stopped doing it for 5 meets or so. Coach decided to have me try it again in the league meet to get more points. I assumed that would be my last time. After all, I got 1st in the 100m, and 3rd in the 200m, but 6th in the long jump. Coach signed me up for yesterday to my surprise, so I had to at least try again. I did OK with 11' something, and ended up being 5th place, so I had to do it again for the finals. After getting 13.91 in the 100m (my new pr), I came back. I had moved my marker because I assumed I was finished, so I had to find it, and quick! Coach had me switch the foot I started with and I was ready to go. I said a quick prayer and decided to forget about form and just jump as far as I could. I threw myself in the air and closed my eyes. 12' 9 1/2"! Almost my freshmen record. Tried again... 13' 4"! I jumped from 5th place to 3rd and finally broke my 12 foot mark. It was all God's doing. It certainly wasn't my technique. After twisting my left ankle and having to jog the 200m, we hastily left for the choir concert. With two solos looming ahead of me, I knew I had to pray. Practice was one thing... I'd finally gotten comfortable singing in front of my choir buddies... but a concert? With my first note I realized I was nervous. I remembered Luther's words as he lay desperate on the ground seeking God's guidance and strength: "I am Yours, save me." I closed my eyes and focused on the words of the song. My voice gained strength and I finished well. God be praised! Tomorrow, we are singing in the high school chapel and my prayer will be once again, "I am Yours, save me." And I know He always will.
Monday, May 01, 2006
A Collection of Sentences
Happy May Day! I can't believe we only have a little over a month left of school! I could definetely use prayer for using the last weeks wisely and also for the SAT (I'm taking it for the first time on June 3, day after graduation).
Just wanted to note that I finally have Banquet pictures on my flickr site. Enjoy!
For His Glory,
Just wanted to note that I finally have Banquet pictures on my flickr site. Enjoy!
For His Glory,
Thursday, April 27, 2006
He Calmed the Storm and Saved the Drowning Woman
Wow... today I experienced a crash-n-burn-in-a-glorious-fireball-complete-with-explosions-and-flames type of breakdown. :D I crack myself up, but, seriously, it was bizzare! I had spent Wednesday night small group deep in thought which continued into this morning. I was trying to understand why, when I've been much more faithful in reading the Word and prayer, I was still frustrated with choices I was making. How could I seemingly be growing, yet still clinging to finding happiness for myself? Where's the balance between wanting to have fun and hanging with friends (comfortable) and reaching out to kids who could use a Godly example (out of the box)? This morning I read 1 Peter again and was reading MacArthur's notes on Peter's life. Something really tore my heart. According to tradition, right before Peter was crucified upside-down, he had to watch his wife be crucified. What did he do? He didn't get angry, fight the guards, cry bitterly... he said three simple, yet utterly powerful words... "Remember the Lord." I couldn't believe the beauty of the Holy Spirit's work- a man is watching his love perish in a very painful way, yet he finds comfort in knowing his home is not here. She was finally going home. I was talking with Kim much of the morning discussing our future responsibilities and how amazingly close adulthood is to us. Our eyes were opened to the sad departure of our world and even "Christians" from God's purpose for relationships. Like I've mentioned before, people these days have everything backwards. They make relationships all about them and what they can get out of it- it's so selfish! A book Kim is reading made an excellent point: (In a relationship, whether friend or "romantic") Everything you do and say should be motivated by the purpose of helping the other person become more like Christ. THEN I started thinking about becoming a wife someday (Man my friends and I keep thinking about it!) and how completely unprepared I am! I'm way too selfish and emotionally unstable ;)! I want to be ready to serve my husband completely and help him along in his spiritual walk. I need to be able to put God first now and always before I can even begin thinking about a relationship! It's hard when so many young women have a desire in their hearts for a earthly protector who will love and take care of them. But, if we can't submit to our Father and father now...? What kind of helper will we be? The tears just came all of a sudden in choir as I felt so helpless and unworthy of God. I can't love the one who saved my soul and forgave my disgusting sins?? How pathetic! As I bolted from the classroom (my unfortunate habit of wanting to get away) and sprinted to the gym parking lot, my heart sank. Here I was, once again (granted it doesnt happen often, but still) in despair. Trying to find God when I knew He was there if I only would trust Him and reach out. As Mrs. Frisk reminded me later, Satan is always trying to remind us how we fail and fall short. The mistake? Focusing on myself once again. Ok, so I realize I'm not giving Him my heart completely and I'm not being wise about preparing my heart for being a Godly woman and wife. So... turn back to God! I must pray, pray, pray, and trust He will see me through! A song I have been praying lately really fits:
I was sure by now
That You would have reached down
And wiped our tears away
Stepped in and saved the day
But once again, I say "Amen"and it's still raining
As the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
And as Your mercy fallsI raise my hands and praise the God
Who gives and takes away
Chorus:I'll praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
Every tear I've cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm
I remember whenI stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry
You raised me up again
My strength is almost gone
How can I carry on
If I can't find You
As the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God
Who gives and takes away
I lift my eyes unto the hills
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord
The Maker of Heaven and Earth
Friday, April 14, 2006
Armadillos, Creole, and Palm Trees- The South

We got into New Orleans late at night and were just in time to view a sunset over the Mississippi from the tall heights of our hotel room.
Sorry... I didn't get too far, but I also had to load banquet pictures on the computer.
Ironically, we're headed to Kayak Point for a nice on the "beach" dinner. The ironic part is the fact that TK has pics from their day there and here we are going today.
Well, hopefully I'll complete my posts soon. If not, who cares, it doesn't matter in light of eternity anyway!
Sardonically yours, Nat
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Armadillos, Creole, and Palm Trees- Texas

*Just thought this sign was funny... I saw it in the Colorado airport. Maybe that's what people should call me instead!

*This is a statue of one of the Apollo 13 guys. When I saw it, I realized it was the same airport we had gone to on the DC trip two years ago! I have a picture of me posing by it in my photo album.
*Welcome to Texas! It's the Houston city lights at night. It's a little blurry, but taking pics on the freeway isn't always easy!
*Here's the Pontiac Torrent we got to drive half-way across the country (When we added all the miles up, we did actually drive all the way across the country if you count the going and return trip!)
*And here we are at Johnson Space Center looking inside one of two mission control rooms. It was here that the fateful words were heard: "Houston, we have a problem". The middle screen is tracking the International Space Station and the right screen is a live feed from the ISS of the earth.
*This is the room where all the astronauts train. They have full size models of all ISS modules, a space shuttle, and "weightless" simulators. Pretty sweet!
*Here are some lovely examples of rockets including the ever-humongous Saturn V-5. No NASA visit is complete without a grassy field of space vehicles!
*Hey look, it's a famous Texas longhorn! They make their home at JSC. Granted, it's weird to see them grazing amid space ships... hmm...
*It's me exploring some shuttle drawers. The freeze-dried and water-deprived foods don't look that great... trust me.
*I wish I was the one floating around instead of the astronaut dude... :D
The official sign:
*Here I am enjoying the sun next to LeTourneau University's clock tower. I like the effect of my dad's shadow in the bottom corner...
*Yet another picture of me... this time showing off my new t-shirt.

*Here's a stuffed armadillo I got with a cute hat that says Texas on it. He was creatively named "Army". Of course the only real armadillos I saw in Texas were dead... on the side... of the road.
*I'm sorry, but it just made me laugh. What can I say?
*Goodbye Texas!!

Thursday, March 30, 2006
And... I'm Off!
Well, just wanted to say goodbye to everyone before I leave on vacation/college visit time! I'm sad I have to miss the open house at the Sarr's and one28, but it's part of God's plan for me to go to Texas and Florida instead. I'll try to post somehow while I'm down there or I might just journal thoughts and post them all when I return. I am so thankful for the time that I will have (many hours in the car when we trek from Texas to Florida in a rental car) to re-evaluate where my spiritual life is at and focus on what I want to work on. I love just having time to think and pray! May I be open to His leading! I hope all of you have a wonderful spring break, too (if you get one)! I can't wait to come back to fourth quarter refreshed and ready to finish the year off strong for the Lord!
First, however, I have a track meet tomorrow, and you all know how I feel about that... God's working in me, for sure, but I'll still need prayer and strength to overcome the nervous feelings.
Thanks, my brothers and sisters! Please remember to put God first in your lives and love Him above all! I've been frustrated with issues in others' lives around me- their problems are all a result of wrong priorties. They are seeking after things of this world. It can be discouraging. I know God is faithful and ultimately He will get the glory, but seeing the ugliness of sin breaks my heart.
See you a couple Wednesdays from now! I'm off to 80 degrees and pensive road trips!
Praise God! Soli Deo Gloria
First, however, I have a track meet tomorrow, and you all know how I feel about that... God's working in me, for sure, but I'll still need prayer and strength to overcome the nervous feelings.
Thanks, my brothers and sisters! Please remember to put God first in your lives and love Him above all! I've been frustrated with issues in others' lives around me- their problems are all a result of wrong priorties. They are seeking after things of this world. It can be discouraging. I know God is faithful and ultimately He will get the glory, but seeing the ugliness of sin breaks my heart.
See you a couple Wednesdays from now! I'm off to 80 degrees and pensive road trips!
Praise God! Soli Deo Gloria
Saturday, March 25, 2006
It's God's Plan, Not The Planet Alignment
Isn't it a wonderful thing that God is the one in control of our futures? I have been very confused lately just wondering what plans He will have for me in light of the plans I am attempting to make for myself. My family and I are going "college-visiting" over spring break by flying to Texas and driving along the gulf to Florida. More than warm weather and good memories, those two states hold two colleges (of four total) I am interested in. LeTourneau University (TX private Christian) and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (FL private). So here I am making grand plans to do well on the SAT or ACT and go off to college for four years to become an aeronautical engineer. Then what? Oh I plan to be married sometime after that and working at NASA... WAIT A MINUTE! I have no idea what will happen! How can I even begin to assume something, good grief! I don't know where I will live, what job I will have, if I'll even be able to find a guy who likes me (and loves God most of all), if I'll make it in to any of these colleges, if...if...if! If I try to plan out my whole life and think, "Ok, THAT's exactly what will bring me happiness," I am dead wrong. Ecclesiastes has made that crystal, looking into the fountain of life clear. I must find joy, right now, in being a junior and doing the research paper I have to do today, and going to work this evening. As for the trip, while I'm down there, I'm going to make sure that my heart is right with the Lord so I listen to his prompting. I know He will guide me if I ask.

Saturday, March 18, 2006
There's Peace at the End of the Rainbow
Well, I promised many people that I'd write a blog about yesterday's track meet, so here it is: 
To give you a full appreciation of what God did for me yesterday, I have to go back to my freshmen year. I started a new track season with a naive ignorance (isn't that the same thing??). Little did I know the ridiculous things I would endure as I slowly but surely stopped trusting God and let fear take over. Let's face it, from the very first meet, I discovered that I was TERRIFIED of competition racing. I would get a heavy feeling in my heart for days before the meet even arrived and I was rendered into a mass of quivering tears when it finally arrived. (Ok, so I'm being a little over-dramatic, but it was pretty ugly!) I did the long jump and the 4x100 relay no problem, but the 200m... oh man did I fear that sucker! The unsureness of which heat to go in and how to set up the blocks followed by the horrific sound of a gun going off... I was miserable! And yet the second I would start to run, I would feel the weight being lifted. When I crossed that finish line, I was the happiest 9th grader in the world! I was done! But soon after, I would realize I'd have to do it all over again, and the weight gradually sank back in. One time, I even refused to get on the bus for a 1/2 hour or so. Then my new approach was to plead to do the long jump and the relay but not the 200. I got out of it a couple of times. What's amazing is God allowed our relay team to make it to state and actually beat our school record in spite of my pathetic actions. All in all, I ended the season with a positive outlook... happy to have beaten the record and happy to promise myself I was done with track. Never again would I set foot on the track to compete........hah!
So here I am, junior year, back in track after a golf furlough of sorts last year. After talking with Coach Holt and realizing there were no senior girls, I became the girls track captain. Me, who had cowered in the corner the regular season track meet I had been at. I decided to work hard at practices by doing my best to keep up with the guys while jogging and listen to instruction the best I could. It was difficult to want to spend the 2 1/2 hours dedicated to listening to suggestions on nutrition and events and running hard sprinting exercises at the end, but I did it anyway. Still somewhat unprepared and out-of-shape, I realized my first meet had arrived. At school I had to push it aside due to 3 quizzes/tests I had to take before getting on the bus, but I still felt very nervous and sick. I realized it was the track meet pressing down on me once again. My irrational fear had returned. I knew I had to give everything to God or I would be absolutely lost.
I got on the minibus with Bible and iPod in hand. I listened to my favorite worship songs and read David's psalms to the Lord. Then I closed my eyes and took a 1/2 hour nap, falling asleep to my prayers. "Give me peace, Lord. I want to run for you... I want to give you my trust and stop my fear... give me peace." I awoke from a tap from Dave and the sound of the girls laughing- we were almost there. I looked over at Andrea next to me and realized, I have to be strong for these other girls, they've never even competed before! As we passed the Concrete sign and saw the track looming ahead, my face got pale. All through the warm-up, I felt awful and my friends asked what was wrong, "I'm terrified." was all I could say.
Philippians 4:6-7 "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and
supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the
peace of God which surpasses all understanding wll guard your hearts and minds
through Christ Jesus."
First up was the 100m, a race I hadn't run since junior high. I watched three of our guys race first and then I was up. God gave me Mr. Johnson and Dave to help me get ready and feel confident. I truly did love the new type of blocks Coach Howard made for us, and I was ready to go. I was still nervous, but I did feel peace creeping in for the first time. God also gave me something to laugh at: David was holding my blocks for me and the guy said, "Stand behind your marks." I couldn't seeing as how Dave was sitting there so I was off to the side. He stared at me, "Get BEHIND your marks." I hastily stood behind David. "On your mark." "Oh my gosh!" "Get set..." "Watch out, here I come!" -CRACK- "Oh yeah, baby!" I tore out of there and ended up getting 2nd place out of 5. Not bad for my first race. I was feeling better. Next, I walked over to the long jump pit and laughed. I hadn't practiced much and it was starting to rain like crazy. I was cold, my hair was frizzy ringletts and I was having fun. I got 12 feet on my second try (I had scratched the 1st). It was freezing! My best jump two years ago was 12'10" so it was pretty blase'. But, I only had time for one run-through and my footing was way off. Then, I would've got 13' something, but my foot was somehow 2 feet behind the line, so I only got 11' something. Oh well... it's a start, I didn't care. Poor Andrea got injured in her hurdle race, so we didn't have to run the 4x200 meter relay any more. Jamie and I realized this right before we had to run the 200. By that time I was just excited to run it and be done. I was pretty calm and walked over to the area. It was 4 girls from another school and Jamie and I. I wondered how fast they would be and secretly figured I'd be close to last place. As we got set and the gun went off, I heard another gun. But, all the girls kept running, so I did too. Everyone was yelling, "STOP!" After 50 meters, we finally realized something had happened. One girl had false started and she was out of the race. I had to hear the gun one more time. This time, the man didn't give me enough time to set up. I guess he was impatient. I didn't get the best start, but I took off. In practice I had been working on pumping my arms higher and driving my knees up.

While I was running, I instinctively looked down and used my hands to play with my shorts. I didn't realize I did that until Coach Holt, Coach Howard, Mr. Johnson, and Dave asked me about it later. I laughed: I remembered thinking that it felt like there was nothing there on my thigh and I was making sure my shorts weren't all the way up or something. They felt so light and I had never run in them before. Despite my "costume" adjustment, I ended up being first place thanks to the lean Coach Johnson had taught me in practice. I couldn't believe it! I was finally done! I grabbed Jamie in a hug and almost started crying. I had finished my first track meet in 2 years and actually did well! I turned to face the other side of the field and saw a beautiful rainbow covering the length of the field. I thanked God and smiled at the significance to me: The rainbow was a picture of God's promise... not the flood this time, but that He would always be with me. I never had to fear... He would always give me peace. I hugged Coach Johnson and Coach Holt when they walked up and made everyone laugh with my giddyness. Praise God.... praise God! The rest of the evening was relaxing and fun. Erwin showed me pictures of WW2 planes on his iPod and then we stopped at Burger King. We chatted about our elementary and junior high years at Grace and shared good and bad memories. I finished the ride home with Brian Regan. When my head hit the pillow that night, I smiled... the rainbow will always mean more to me now.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
I Puked at the Paramount And All I Got Was This Puny Post
This blog is purely about my realization of something... I have the best friends in the world!
(And please, don't do that annoying, "Uh-uh! I have the best friends in the world!" 'cause you just don't, ok?! How can I prove that I have the best friends in the world? I don't have to prove anything to you... you're just sitting in front of a computer screen reading a blog, obviously you don't have that awesome of friends because you're not doing anything with them!)
It has been a long week for me, with video filming, a spanish report, and the musicale, but I didn't want to neglect a thought I had on Tuesday evening after I left Esther's house. So, God has brought me to a wonderful school and church where I have so many opportunities for leadership and growth! Now, I love all of my teachers and pastors and I get to serve on a student council and be captain in two different sports, but I think the most special part of all that is the friendships the Lord has given to me.
(And please, don't do that annoying, "Uh-uh! I have the best friends in the world!" 'cause you just don't, ok?! How can I prove that I have the best friends in the world? I don't have to prove anything to you... you're just sitting in front of a computer screen reading a blog, obviously you don't have that awesome of friends because you're not doing anything with them!)
It has been a long week for me, with video filming, a spanish report, and the musicale, but I didn't want to neglect a thought I had on Tuesday evening after I left Esther's house. So, God has brought me to a wonderful school and church where I have so many opportunities for leadership and growth! Now, I love all of my teachers and pastors and I get to serve on a student council and be captain in two different sports, but I think the most special part of all that is the friendships the Lord has given to me.
Although most of us endure extended periods of teasing and mocking, we
really do love each other.
All of my buddies that fateful day were concerned about me and encouraging me to feel better by laughing with me about the absurdity of the situation. We came up with quite a few awesome quotes! They didn't leave me to fend for myself, they were constantly checking up on me before and after. And, yes, the title is exactly what happened, and, yes, I'm embarassed about it, but the whole internet world can know all because I want to thank God for my brothers and sisters! True, it was a semi-comical event, but hey, it was still disgusting and my friends were faithful even then! You'd never guess it from the banquet promo video, would you? Nope, and we had quite the adventure that day from cave-like parking garages that threatened to rip off the antenna to cell phone directions to pouring rain to gorgeous chandiliers to staying up 'til 3 in the morning. What a day... what a day... Banquet will be so stinkin' awesome! (And I mean this 100% truthfully:) It will be the best one yet!

So, to all of my friends, especially those who went to Seattle... I love you guys! I can't wait for more memories together all the way up to praising God for eternity in heaven. (Yessss! No more sickness!) You always are such an encouragment! I love going through life with you by my side during the hilarious and hard times!
As a side note: don't wear a fancy dress when you don't feel good- it's dry clean only for a reason :D (Wow... gross and funny... I love it!)
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Crepe Contemplations
Weird title, I know. That might be because I am currently typing this in my kitchen while cooking Costa Rican crepes. If you haven't listened to the radio, typed a blog, and cooked Costa Rican crepes at the same time yet... you should definetely give it a try. No joke, that bizarre combination has inspired me to recall lessons I learned in chapel today. So anyway, Pearce was talking about good 'ol Peter. A normal, act-before-you-think type of guy always wanting to impress Jesus who was transformed by the power of the Holy Spirt. The same God that resided in Peter after Pentacost is in all believers! It's unbelieveable that we ignore the power we can have if we only live for Christ. He can get us through anything and will give us victory over sin if we make Him our ultimate love. The thing that really stuck with me was Peter's denial of Christ. We are quick to roll our eyes at Peter's bold argument with the CREATOR of the UNIVERSE that he would never deny Him and would die with Him. But, just because we don't have servant girls coming up to us and asking if we are followers of Christ, we deny Him every day. Pearce alluded to this, but my thoughts kept exploring the truth further.
We deny our Lord and Savior every day.
I was surprised to find out how true it really was:
When I am afraid... I'm denying His protection.
When I am upset... I'm denying His sovereignty.
When I complain... I'm denying His provision.
When I take praise... I'm denying His glory.
The list goes on... when we sin, we deny all that Christ did for us in the sense that we aren't showing others joy. We seem to not really believe that He is in control. We play the hypocrite.
Don't deny! I BELIEVE JESUS IS THE CHRIST THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD! May that rooster never crow for me!
For those of you still wondering, "What's with the crepes?" I have a Spanish country report that I'm doing on Costa Rica with Esther and I'm testing out the recipe for our presentation next week. They taste pretty good, almost like a waffle cone.
For those of you still wondering, "What IS a crepe?" It's a thin pancake made with egg batter typically associated with the French. ooh la la
For those of you still wondering, "How do you say crepe?" Just say grape and replace the g with a hard c.
For those of you still wondering, "When will this post be over?" The answer? Right about...
Monday, February 20, 2006
I Vant to Suck your... Windshield?!
A very random occurance (technically providentially ordained) happened to me on the way to evening service last night. A bat, yes a bat, decided to fly right into my windshield on Highway 9. He even left a circle spot (because of the dust on the side of the glass). It kinda freaked me out because it was a big thud when I was driving along, but also because I don't usually get to see a bat! I actually like them, but not when they're attacking my peripheral vision! Hopefully future driving excursions don't result in such terror by night! :D
I think the WA state patrol needs to put up one of these babies:

Thursday, February 16, 2006
My attempt to catch up with JE's 60,000 pages
Well it's definetely about time that I posted something about the 06SR. I can't even begin to share with you all of the thoughts I had or special moments on the retreat, but I will do my best to give you at least a little glimpse by typing some of my notes from messages and cabin times. If you have time, there's always the 06SR dvd (I apologize for the part in the daily videos where I was rapping. Sad, I know, but just a spontaneous breakfast rap can't hurt... or can it?) with the testimony time. I was among many who shared- a very sweet time of fellowship and glorifying God for what He did! Thus most of this post is fact, not necessarily my personal application, but I'll definetely stick in a few things here and there! :) Well, here's some key points or things that "hit me" from my notes:
*There is a "shock and awe" campaign happening every day = when you get a drink from the cisterns of the world. That's how you choose to quench the thirst of your soul?! We drink from what we believe will give us satisfaction. It's more than foolish to ignore God, it's EVIL, an infinite disregard for God. You do not have a moment of life without God. How do we give God glory? By knowing Him truly and rejoicing in Him! His value is far above us! You need doctrine and emotion, truth and affections to properly glorify the Lord. Do you dare insult the living fountain of water?
*Cistern: A holding tank carved out from rock for catching and storing rainwater (This didn't "hit me" other than the fact I never knew what it was in the first place. So, head-knowledge-wise, it hit me, kicked me in the pants, etc...)
*My (Yes, some of my personal ones which I discovered) Idols: my happiness, doing what I want, enjoyment, being comfortable, accomplishing my goals, making myself look good/funny, desiring my health, trusting myself and my abilities, my judgement of others
*Why should we distinguish between wheat and tares when we will be seen as judgemental and legalistic? Unbelievers will be deceived to their eternal ruin, believers will be confused about what they're supposed to do, and the church is weakened by the lack of purity and distinctiveness. IF WE KNOW SOMEONE'S HOUSE IS ON FIRE, WE SHOULD TELL THEM!
*Why listen to JE? (Jonathan Edwards! Note: This picture is perhaps even more creepy than the creepy head!) He had an intimate knowledge of Scripture, a vivid awareness of his responsibility, and a passionate love for God! He is stinkin' awesome! It's quite a conviction that we all could be a great testimony like JE if we would love God more...
*Trials weed out posers, prove the genuineness of faith, and purify faith. Genuine belivers stay joyful because they rest their hope in Christ.
*Everything you do comes out of your affections whether negative, positive, or neuteral. There are varying degrees of affection and because God is infinite we can never love Him enough. Don't disegard or minimize affections or religion becomes a lifeless formality. You need both light and heat. Seek to stimulate your affections with truth and be ashamed that your love is not what it should be. What do your affections say about you? about your love for God?
*Just Because...you have religious affections, you do religious things, other people think your affections are genuine, you yourself are confident IS NO SURE SIGN OF SALVATION. Don't rest your case on inconclusive, unreliable testimony. Your soul's eternal consequence depends on it!
*So, how do you know you're saved? You have spiritual affections (feeling conviction over sin, knowing and valuing Jesus, seeing His fruit, walking in righteousness, understanding of Scripture) that are Godward (sweet new word Copyright SKH 2006). Hypocrites have joy in themselves. Mirror vs. Window Illustration (also Copyright SKH 2006) Both objects allow people to see a reflection, but a saint looks through the window to God in all his holiness and beauty, forgetting himself. A hypocrite looking at a mirror sees only himself. Genine affections are also truth-driven, nature-changing, relentless, and fruitful. As we are being sanctified, we decrease as Christ increases. Our passion for the Lord is like a fire that wants to grow bigger and get hotter. Our fruit before others and God is the conclusive evidence! We should stand out from the world. There is no need to despair in sin, just give your life to your Heavenly Father who will give you the strength to glorify Him.
*Biggest problem with the church: the inability and unwillingness to distinguish between true believers and false. JE made a stand against the Halfway Covenant and other practices. He upheld the holiness of the Lord's table. It cost him his job. Yet, his scriptural committment was far more important to him than appeasing church boards and members. HE LOVED GOD.
*Our Modern Carelessness: we must distinguish for the sake of the unbelievers. It's not arrogant or judgemental- it's love! We must feel the weight of eternal matters and repent from weak loves!
*A man of God... his happiness is out of the reach of his enemies
And now my notes on what I learned for Friday morning testimonies at the retreat:
~Importance of both knowing Him and delighting
~I don't care enough about the people whose houses are on fire
~God is not at the top of my affection lis many times and I can see that in what I choose to do; I choose to stare at the reflection in the window
~I've been blessed with a good amount of light (head knowledge of many Bible things), but I often don't have the passion for Him (heat)
~It is very possible to have peace and confidence in my salvation, but I have to rest completely in Him
~If I love God with everything and He's the most important thing, my love for others will grow and my joy will be complete no matter what
In closing, I leave you with my favorite lyrics and songs from the 06SR. Thanks for reading! My your love abound still more and more, my brothers and sisters! :)
06SR "Favorites" (Probably half the songs in the book! :)): All Bow Down, Before the Throne of God Above, Blessed Be Your Name, Complete, Consuming Fire, Famous One, God of Wonders, He Reigns, Holy Is the Lord, How Deep the Father's Love for Us, How Great is our God, In Christ Alone, Indescribable, Innocent, Magnificent Obsession, Much of You, Soli Deo Gloria, You Have Loved Me
06SR Top 3 (my #1) : Before the Throne of God Above, Great is Our God, In Christ Alone
BTGA- "My name is written on His hands, my name is hidden in His heart...When Satan tempts me to despair and tels me of the guilt within, upward I look and see Him there who made an end of all my sin... One with my Lord I cannot die: my soul is purchased by Hs blood, my life is safe with Christ on high, with Christ my Savior and my God."
FO- "You alone are God...Revealed by nature and miracles, you are beautiful."
HDFLFU- "I will not boast in anything, no gifts, no power, no wisdom, but I will boast in Jesus Christ, His death and resurrection."
ICA- "No guilt in life, no fear in death, this is the power of Christ in me. From life's first cry to final breath, Jesus commands my destiny. No power of hell, no scheme of man can ever pluck me from His hand. 'Til He returns or calls me home, here in the power of Christ I'll stand."
MO- "You are everything I want, you are everything I need. I want you to be my one consuming passion. Everything my heart desires, Lord I want it all to be for You, Jesus, be my magnificent obsession."
YHLM- "You have loved me more than I have loved You, pursuing me even in my sin"
Monday, January 30, 2006
Double-K or Bust!
Well, it's the morning before the 06SR! It was very nice to have small groups at church yesterday. We went to the Sarr's house and just shared and prayed to get our hearts ready for retreat. Mrs. Bone gave us a few passages to read about loving and walking in the spirit. When I got home, I packed while listening to a John Piper message on having one passion (for God's glory) that Esther gave me from Resolve. I am so ready to be challenged by the Word and love God more! I'm so sick of selfishness whether I see it in myself or students around me. I pray that this retreat will open people's eyes to the ugliness of loving themselves above all! I'm also excited to see how God will get us up to the retreat. With I-90 and the other way around closed currently, it's a veritable Red Sea. I've put my trust in God that He'll part the snow and allow us through. Even if He chooses not to, why worry, He's in control of everything! :) Well, please be praying for the hearts of the students, SKH's endurance, worship team, leaders, Double-K... anything you can think of! The Lord will honor those prayers if given from a right heart and we appreciate them so much! Thank you! See you in a week or so when I'm sure I'll have some life-changing (at least they changed my life) thoughts to post!
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Losers of the World Unite!
Well, it's time to update, imagine that! To start it off on a not-so-spiritually-impacting-note (Oh YEEAAAH! +10 pts for ridiculously long phrase), I was able to see the Summit and Double-K while riding to and from Yakima for my Veterans of Foreign Wars award banquet. I am pleased to report that the online cams are not lying, there is glorious snow! Snoqualmie definetely has more (the roads were closed in by huge walls of plowed snow), but Double-K has a solid layer! My parents and I even stopped to eat breakfast at the restaurant at the Summit. (Not to mention a brief trip to the outlets in North Bend...) Now I'm very excited that God has blessed us with snow once again and another SNOW RETREAT!
As for what God has been teaching me lately:
Quite often, actually. Whether it's brought on by a basketball loss or not winning the essay competition to go to my favorite place on this planet excepting Disney World, Washington D.C., sometimes I feel like I got the short end of the stick. "Why is it that everyone else gets their moment of happiness? Why can't I ever do anything right? If I had just done ___ instead of ___, we would've won!" These, and more questions have plagued my mind recently. But, eventually the light bulb turns on and I thank God for lighting my dark error. Feeling like a loser is one of the best things in the world because you finally realize that you ARE a loser... without Christ. Since when do things in this world matter? I would rather win a game against North Sound than trust that God's plan is better?! I would dare blame God for letting me down than praise Him for allowing me to get as far as I did?! Pathetic! This weekend was all about loving God more than anything! I lost the game... I lost the opportunity and competition... I lost my health (I got a loverly cold complete with many tissues and a sore throat that I am praying will be healed by snow retreat)... but I never lost my Lord and my God who will carry me through anything if I just surrender my life to Him! I'm sick for a reason! Guess how much more I'll have to rely on my Heavenly Father to get me through Finals now that I feel horrible! It's a beautiful thing, isn't it? Ironically, it truly is. When I feel the worst, I can put a huge smile on my face knowing that I am being tested by fire only to come out stronger in the end because Christ is in me. (I've loved reading Paul's epistles lately!) So, this week, I proudly embrace my loser-ness, from sports to school, from health to responsibilities... I am worth nothing on my own! I love God and know that I must give my 100% for His glory, instead of trying to get my own (which doesn't work out too well by the way). I can't wait to be in heaven with Him, but until then... Losers of the world unite in praising our Savior who is the sovereign Lord of all! For in Him alone have we won the greatest gift of all- eternity praising Him!
P.S. Just in case you're wondering, here is the essay I wrote for the competition this year. I was privileged enough to win 1st place in district:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
These words penned by Thomas Jefferson epitomize the ideals that inspired my ancestors from Europe to begin new lives in America. Thus, I was born an American citizen. Although I did not do anything to deserve my freedom, I have been blessed with it. So, how do I express this gift? I demonstrate my freedom by staying involved in my community and country and supporting those who fight for the rights of others.
For young adults especially, it is extremely important to stay involved in the community and country. My freedom allowed me to work for my local senator and see democracy in action. Volunteering at an aviation museum showed me the value of creativity and hard work. That same freedom also allows me to work for a fair wage and learn at a private school where I serve on the student council and participate in sports. As insignificant as these activities may seem, they are the essence of true freedom.
Now, as I look to an exciting future, I have the freedom to find a college and gain a degree in any major I desire. Then, I can find a job I look forward to doing or even begin raising a family who will have the same or better amazing opportunities. Clearly, making my own choices and working toward my goals is demonstrating the freedom I have as an American and as a fearfully and wonderfully made human being.
The other and most important way I demonstrate my freedom is through supporting those who fight to gain freedom for others. There are still many countries where men and women are forced to work in squalid conditions, live in abject poverty, or follow a specific religion with no regard for their own desires or choices. Imagine living in a third-world country where food, water, and health care —the most basic needs of life— are unsure. They have nothing but hope, and some have lost even that. Being blessed with freedom should make us understand how valuable it is and give us a desire to see it enjoyed by all, not just ourselves. Those who truly understand this are willing to fight for it.
Jeffery Starr, a loyal Marine, lived and died by his understanding of the value of freedom. I recently read his farewell letter in a story shared by my local newspaper. His passion reminded me to keep fighting to give others freedom:
“I don’t regret going, everybody dies but few get to do it for something as important as freedom… It may seem confusing why we are in Iraq, but it’s not to me. I’m here helping these people so that they can live the way we live. Not have to worry about tyrants or vicious dictators. To do what they want with their lives. To me that is why I died. Others have died for my freedom, now this is my mark.”
As Jeffery Starr proved, far more important than the actual demonstration of our freedom is what we choose to do with it. Sadly, some people demonstrate their freedom by choosing to do nothing. When tragedies happen from tsunamis to hurricanes, whether worldwide or local, they are content to ignore them. Some are so busy complaining against the government, they fail to recognize their brave troops or see the sufferings of people in other countries. Their lack of action is a disgrace to those who have fought for our freedom both past and present. I will not be one of those people. I will show the world what it means to have freedom and what it means to properly demonstrate it throughout my life. Whether by donating to relief funds, encouraging the fight for freedom, or speaking out on important issues, I will be involved in my community and country and thus leave a mark on my world.
The brilliant scientist, Albert Einstein, understood the rich value of liberty when he said, “Everything that is great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom.” I will be the individual who gladly labors for the people of the world desiring the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
These words penned by Thomas Jefferson epitomize the ideals that inspired my ancestors from Europe to begin new lives in America. Thus, I was born an American citizen. Although I did not do anything to deserve my freedom, I have been blessed with it. So, how do I express this gift? I demonstrate my freedom by staying involved in my community and country and supporting those who fight for the rights of others.
For young adults especially, it is extremely important to stay involved in the community and country. My freedom allowed me to work for my local senator and see democracy in action. Volunteering at an aviation museum showed me the value of creativity and hard work. That same freedom also allows me to work for a fair wage and learn at a private school where I serve on the student council and participate in sports. As insignificant as these activities may seem, they are the essence of true freedom.
Now, as I look to an exciting future, I have the freedom to find a college and gain a degree in any major I desire. Then, I can find a job I look forward to doing or even begin raising a family who will have the same or better amazing opportunities. Clearly, making my own choices and working toward my goals is demonstrating the freedom I have as an American and as a fearfully and wonderfully made human being.
The other and most important way I demonstrate my freedom is through supporting those who fight to gain freedom for others. There are still many countries where men and women are forced to work in squalid conditions, live in abject poverty, or follow a specific religion with no regard for their own desires or choices. Imagine living in a third-world country where food, water, and health care —the most basic needs of life— are unsure. They have nothing but hope, and some have lost even that. Being blessed with freedom should make us understand how valuable it is and give us a desire to see it enjoyed by all, not just ourselves. Those who truly understand this are willing to fight for it.
Jeffery Starr, a loyal Marine, lived and died by his understanding of the value of freedom. I recently read his farewell letter in a story shared by my local newspaper. His passion reminded me to keep fighting to give others freedom:
“I don’t regret going, everybody dies but few get to do it for something as important as freedom… It may seem confusing why we are in Iraq, but it’s not to me. I’m here helping these people so that they can live the way we live. Not have to worry about tyrants or vicious dictators. To do what they want with their lives. To me that is why I died. Others have died for my freedom, now this is my mark.”
As Jeffery Starr proved, far more important than the actual demonstration of our freedom is what we choose to do with it. Sadly, some people demonstrate their freedom by choosing to do nothing. When tragedies happen from tsunamis to hurricanes, whether worldwide or local, they are content to ignore them. Some are so busy complaining against the government, they fail to recognize their brave troops or see the sufferings of people in other countries. Their lack of action is a disgrace to those who have fought for our freedom both past and present. I will not be one of those people. I will show the world what it means to have freedom and what it means to properly demonstrate it throughout my life. Whether by donating to relief funds, encouraging the fight for freedom, or speaking out on important issues, I will be involved in my community and country and thus leave a mark on my world.
The brilliant scientist, Albert Einstein, understood the rich value of liberty when he said, “Everything that is great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom.” I will be the individual who gladly labors for the people of the world desiring the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Wickedly Wonderful Widgets, WOW!
Just a short little thought from me: I love widgets! After seeing their potential on DZ's computer, I was once again wistfully longing for a new Mac laptop. My hopes were no longer needed, however, when I saw a link on the Yahoo! homepage. I could get widgets for my Windows laptop! (I got the one my sister had for the 1st two-and-a-half years of college.) About an hour later, I had all my favorite widgets downloaded and happily performing on my screen around a picture of our soccer team after winning our league! Here's the ones on my screen now:
Marysville weather (from tonight to Wednesday and the condition of the moon)
Analog clock (complete with a turquoise rim, a ticking secondhand, and the date)
To-do list (customized with my weekend homework)
Napoleon Dynamite *image that when clicked on, produces quotes (Flippin' Sweet!)
Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail * (swallows, coconuts, newts...)
Yoda * (who doesn't want to hear the little guy talk backwards?)
Darth Vader * (with classics such as "Luke, I am your father.")
Sun with the planets continuously rotating around it and on my screen
Google conversion calculator (i.e. 6 cups in liters)
Volume control (easier to change)
Yahoo! maps search (If I need directions or anything...)
Stock (My parents bought me some stock in Starbucks and Gap awhile back)
Digital clock (just in case I want to look at it instead of the other 2 clocks on my screen :))
Move times (for Regal in Marysville, Olympic in Arlington, and Loews in Alderwood)
Anyway, just a fun little addition to my computer and a nice, relaxing way to end Eagle Week. I was never upset about planning things this past week, which is a complete blessing! The only reason I cried at all was because I was so tired I couldn't think. The other time was due to realizing that my friends and I had been slacking so much on having integrity and focusing on God. All-in-all, a great, but tiring week!
Mostly I need to fulfill my responsibility to get all of the stuff in my car put away and to do my homework, but I'm definetely looking forward to spending time in fellowship at church tomorrow! I could use some refreshment and corporate worship time! :) I can't wait for Snow Retreat! I know God will answer my prayers to convict me where needed and give me a passion for Him and loving Him with everything I have!
Sunday, January 08, 2006

As you can imagine, for Mall Escapade this year, we recieved quite a few strange looks as we entered the mall together... quite the random group of people! I love it!

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