Well it's definetely about time that I posted something about the 06SR. I can't even begin to share with you all of the thoughts I had or special moments on the retreat, but I will do my best to give you at least a little glimpse by typing some of my notes from messages and cabin times. If you have time, there's always the 06SR dvd (I apologize for the part in the daily videos where I was rapping. Sad, I know, but just a spontaneous breakfast rap can't hurt... or can it?) with the testimony time. I was among many who shared- a very sweet time of fellowship and glorifying God for what He did! Thus most of this post is fact, not necessarily my personal application, but I'll definetely stick in a few things here and there! :) Well, here's some key points or things that "hit me" from my notes:
*There is a "shock and awe" campaign happening every day = when you get a drink from the cisterns of the world. That's how you choose to quench the thirst of your soul?! We drink from what we believe will give us satisfaction. It's more than foolish to ignore God, it's EVIL, an infinite disregard for God. You do not have a moment of life without God. How do we give God glory? By knowing Him truly and rejoicing in Him! His value is far above us! You need doctrine and emotion, truth and affections to properly glorify the Lord. Do you dare insult the living fountain of water?
*Cistern: A holding tank carved out from rock for catching and storing rainwater (This didn't "hit me" other than the fact I never knew what it was in the first place. So, head-knowledge-wise, it hit me, kicked me in the pants, etc...)
*My (Yes, some of my personal ones which I discovered) Idols: my happiness, doing what I want, enjoyment, being comfortable, accomplishing my goals, making myself look good/funny, desiring my health, trusting myself and my abilities, my judgement of others
*Why should we distinguish between wheat and tares when we will be seen as judgemental and legalistic? Unbelievers will be deceived to their eternal ruin, believers will be confused about what they're supposed to do, and the church is weakened by the lack of purity and distinctiveness. IF WE KNOW SOMEONE'S HOUSE IS ON FIRE, WE SHOULD TELL THEM!
*Why listen to JE? (Jonathan Edwards! Note: This picture is perhaps even more creepy than the creepy head!) He had an intimate knowledge of Scripture, a vivid awareness of his responsibility, and a passionate love for God! He is stinkin' awesome! It's quite a conviction that we all could be a great testimony like JE if we would love God more...
*Trials weed out posers, prove the genuineness of faith, and purify faith. Genuine belivers stay joyful because they rest their hope in Christ.
*Everything you do comes out of your affections whether negative, positive, or neuteral. There are varying degrees of affection and because God is infinite we can never love Him enough. Don't disegard or minimize affections or religion becomes a lifeless formality. You need both light and heat. Seek to stimulate your affections with truth and be ashamed that your love is not what it should be. What do your affections say about you? about your love for God?
*Just Because...you have religious affections, you do religious things, other people think your affections are genuine, you yourself are confident IS NO SURE SIGN OF SALVATION. Don't rest your case on inconclusive, unreliable testimony. Your soul's eternal consequence depends on it!
*So, how do you know you're saved? You have spiritual affections (feeling conviction over sin, knowing and valuing Jesus, seeing His fruit, walking in righteousness, understanding of Scripture) that are Godward (sweet new word Copyright SKH 2006). Hypocrites have joy in themselves. Mirror vs. Window Illustration (also Copyright SKH 2006) Both objects allow people to see a reflection, but a saint looks through the window to God in all his holiness and beauty, forgetting himself. A hypocrite looking at a mirror sees only himself. Genine affections are also truth-driven, nature-changing, relentless, and fruitful. As we are being sanctified, we decrease as Christ increases. Our passion for the Lord is like a fire that wants to grow bigger and get hotter. Our fruit before others and God is the conclusive evidence! We should stand out from the world. There is no need to despair in sin, just give your life to your Heavenly Father who will give you the strength to glorify Him.
*Biggest problem with the church: the inability and unwillingness to distinguish between true believers and false. JE made a stand against the Halfway Covenant and other practices. He upheld the holiness of the Lord's table. It cost him his job. Yet, his scriptural committment was far more important to him than appeasing church boards and members. HE LOVED GOD.
*Our Modern Carelessness: we must distinguish for the sake of the unbelievers. It's not arrogant or judgemental- it's love! We must feel the weight of eternal matters and repent from weak loves!
*A man of God... his happiness is out of the reach of his enemies
And now my notes on what I learned for Friday morning testimonies at the retreat:
~Importance of both knowing Him and delighting
~I don't care enough about the people whose houses are on fire
~God is not at the top of my affection lis many times and I can see that in what I choose to do; I choose to stare at the reflection in the window
~I've been blessed with a good amount of light (head knowledge of many Bible things), but I often don't have the passion for Him (heat)
~It is very possible to have peace and confidence in my salvation, but I have to rest completely in Him
~If I love God with everything and He's the most important thing, my love for others will grow and my joy will be complete no matter what
In closing, I leave you with my favorite lyrics and songs from the 06SR. Thanks for reading! My your love abound still more and more, my brothers and sisters! :)
06SR "Favorites" (Probably half the songs in the book! :)): All Bow Down, Before the Throne of God Above, Blessed Be Your Name, Complete, Consuming Fire, Famous One, God of Wonders, He Reigns, Holy Is the Lord, How Deep the Father's Love for Us, How Great is our God, In Christ Alone, Indescribable, Innocent, Magnificent Obsession, Much of You, Soli Deo Gloria, You Have Loved Me
06SR Top 3 (my #1) : Before the Throne of God Above, Great is Our God, In Christ Alone
BTGA- "My name is written on His hands, my name is hidden in His heart...When Satan tempts me to despair and tels me of the guilt within, upward I look and see Him there who made an end of all my sin... One with my Lord I cannot die: my soul is purchased by Hs blood, my life is safe with Christ on high, with Christ my Savior and my God."
FO- "You alone are God...Revealed by nature and miracles, you are beautiful."
HDFLFU- "I will not boast in anything, no gifts, no power, no wisdom, but I will boast in Jesus Christ, His death and resurrection."
ICA- "No guilt in life, no fear in death, this is the power of Christ in me. From life's first cry to final breath, Jesus commands my destiny. No power of hell, no scheme of man can ever pluck me from His hand. 'Til He returns or calls me home, here in the power of Christ I'll stand."
MO- "You are everything I want, you are everything I need. I want you to be my one consuming passion. Everything my heart desires, Lord I want it all to be for You, Jesus, be my magnificent obsession."
YHLM- "You have loved me more than I have loved You, pursuing me even in my sin"
Wow! Would you look at this!!! A whole new look AND a whole new (not to mention substantial) post!!! What a great post, Natalie. Truly great.
Also, its kind of cool how you and my brother both bosted up lyrics from "Before the Throne of God Above" tonight. Kinda cool.
Oh and one more thing... It might humor you to know that your new template is the one that I started with on my very first post! It looks way better with your stuff though, that's for sure. Its your style, I think. ;)
Great post, Natalie.
Thanks! Wow, I'll have to check out Kram's blog... I didn't know that!
Yep, I keep changing my templates. I had the green nature-ish one recently, but the white text was drivin' me crazy! :)
Well, it looks great.
Thats some good stuff.
Your post is wonderful! I can't tell you how glad I am to see you processing so much of what we learned at the Snow Retreat...and sharing it for others to read. It's excellent!
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