Sunday, September 02, 2007

Renewal Through Hope and Praise

God is so good! Today was just what I needed. I was feeling scared about doing well in classes (especially chemistry!) and missed the body of believers. It's difficult always being around people who don't believe the same that you do. Thankfully, it's been a huge time of growth and I'm feeling more and more compassion for the lost. It's a great challenge to me to continue having a good testimony. It feels a little tiring after awhile, but I needed to be reminded that Christ will always give me the strength I need if I just rely on Him!

Becky (girl in the college ministry at Riverbend who I met last Sunday) came to pick me up and I really enjoyed the first sermon about perseverance- just what I needed! Then, after talking about God's elevation of His Name and His Word in the college ministry, I was able to meet two guys who are going to Embry too. They were going to start up (they've been doing it for several years now) a Bible study on campus, and now Becky doesn't have to take me every Sunday (she lives way closer to the church than ER).

Josh is a sophomore from Michigan and is an RA on the first floor of McKay. Steve is a senior in air traffic in Stimpson. Both were so friendly and I felt great meeting some guy friends who are believers. They'll probably be kinda like my big brothers. I'm gonna meet them at McKay next Sunday and the study should be next Thursday.

But, the absolute coolest thing that happened today: right when I came back from church, (insert name here) knocked on my door and asked if I had been at church. I said yes and told him where. He wants a ride next week "since his mom keeps bugging him to go to church." What an answer to prayer! He is the most party-hearted guy on our floor and yet there
he was asking to come to church. I'll be faithful to pray for him this week and that he'll actually still want to come when Sunday rolls around. I'm really glad I put some verses on my door. He noticed that too and figured I was a Christian. You bet I am and praise God for working through me already. I'm so honored and humbled!

(The rest of the day I did laundry, worked on Chemistry problems, and watched a movie with Kaleigh)

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Super Saturday

Today was so much fun! It was so nice to get off-campus after a seemingly long week. Kaleigh was the first girl I ever met (Our families sat together at the Honors Program dinner) here and we ended up being right down the hall from each other. Neither of us have cars or bikes, so we walked over to the nearby Vollusia Mall.

It felt so great to be able to forget about classes and meeting people and going to events... just shopping and talking with a buddy. It took us awhile, but we were able to find everything she needed for Air Force ROTC: tennis shoes with no bright colors for drills, plain black belt with silver buckle, and jeans that were loose enough in the legs that she could iron in a pleat all the way down. Let's just say the jeans were difficult! If you got wide leg, the waist was too big, and more often than not, they were way too long and she's not allowed to roll them up. Whew! I was just looking for fun, cheap stuff. I usually
don't like shopping too much because I just get tired walking around in stuffy stores. But, sales are sales and it was a blast.

We ate at Chick-fil-A for a late lunch to tide us over until we had dinner at Olive Garden. We have plenty of Olive Gardens back home and I love them, but Chick-fil-A was fun too because we don't have any. When we finally walked outside, instead of facing tiny biting ants, we saw dark cloud cover. Juicy droplets were comin' down so we booked it across the street to the restaurant. Dinner was salad, breadsticks with alfredo dip, and we both picked a dessert.

When we got back, we said goodbye and did our own errands. I had such a hard time sleeping! I so wanted to be rested for church, but there was a big 10pm-2am party in Tallman Commons, so it was pretty noisy even though I was on the 5th floor. I had fun watching the Sound of Music on ABC Family and then was inspired to order some of my old favorite DVDs since I had an gift card. I hope they arrive soon! I'd better go to bed, it's almost 12... yuck! I really hope I'm alert enough to get fed from the Word tomorrow.